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Some of South Korea’s biggest companies, along with law firms and a cottage industry of business consultants, are eyeing potential opportunities in North Korea, one of the world’s most difficult business environments.


After months of rapprochement—including summit meetings between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and one between Mr. Kim and President Donald Trump —hopes are rising for more open access to North Korea, a country of 25 million people with vast mineral reserves and lots of cheap labor.

过去几个月来,朝鲜的外交孤立局面有所缓和,朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)此前分别与韩国总统文在寅(Moon Jae-in)和美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)举行了会晤,这使外界萌生了朝鲜可能进一步对外开放的希望。朝鲜拥有2,500万人口,具备丰富的矿产资源和大量廉价劳动力。

Samsung C&T Corp., the de facto holding company of South Korea’s biggest and best-known conglomerate, created a North Korea task force in May, staffed by an executive and three managers.

韩国最大和最知名的企业集团的实质控股公司三星物产(Samsung C&T Co.)今年5月份成立了一个朝鲜特别工作组,由一位高管和三名经理组成。

Samsung’s construction arm, which has built some of the world’s tallest skyscrapers and is building subway lines in Singapore and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, sees opportunity in the North as economic growth slows in the South.


The Samsung task force is following global developments related to North Korea, attending forums and seminars on economic cooperation between the Koreas and looking at potential areas for opportunities, a spokesman said.


It is still early days: The most stringent sanctions placed on North Korea remain in effect, and progress toward the country’s nuclear disarmament remains fragile. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was optimistic after meeting with North Korean counterparts this month—despite North Korean accusations of “gangster-like tactics”—but he warned last week against any slackening in sanctions enforcement.

但这些还只是初步打算,因为对朝鲜最严厉的制裁依然有效,并且无核化进展尚不稳固。美国国务卿蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)本月与朝鲜官员举行了会晤,虽然朝鲜指责美国使用“流氓式的策略”,但蓬佩奥在会后仍表示乐观,不过上周他对制裁执行不力提出警告。

South Korea’s President Moon has said any economic incentives and inducements can come only after North Korea has followed through on its promise of denuclearization.
