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筹划退休人群 如何应对意外风险


When it comes to retirement planning, we naturally focus on the risks we’re most aware of—for instance, the possibility that this nine-year-old bull market could give way to a ravaging bear. Or that an unscrupulous or incompetent adviser might talk us into bad investments. Here are three risks that may not be top of mind but that you should still guard against.


Maybe you set your savings rate early in your career when your budget was especially tight, and haven’t raised it since. Or perhaps you were automatically signed up for your 401(k) at a default rate of 3% to 6% and you never increased it.


Still, aided by the double-digit market returns of recent years, your retirement account balances seemed to be growing nicely, so you never bothered to gauge whether you were actually on pace to build an adequate nest egg.


In short, you have fallen prey to complacency risk. You’ve let yourself be lulled into a false sense of security that you’re on the road to a secure retirement—or at least making reasonable progress toward that goal—while in reality you may be well short of where you need to be.

简而言之,你已经成了自满风险的受害者。你已经让自己陷入了一种虚假的安全感,以为自己正在走向安全的退休之路 -至少以为自己在实现这一目标方面取得了合理的进展 -而实际上,你可能远远落后于你需要达到的水平。

The best way to protect against this risk is to periodically give yourself a retirement checkup. Go to a retirement income calculator and plug in information such as your income, the current value of your retirement accounts, how much you’re saving each year and the age at which you plan to retire.


The tool will estimate your probability of achieving your goal. If the tool estimates your chances at less than 80%, then you need to make some adjustments, such as saving more, investing differently, scaling back your planned retirement lifestyle or a combination of these things.
