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CNN News:冲突升级 特朗普怒批FBI在其团队安插间谍


And the first story we're delving into this Wednesday involves a storm that's brewing in Washington, D.C. This is related to special counsel investigation that's trying to find out if members of President Donald Trump's political team colluded, secretly worked with Russia during Trump's campaign for president.
Multiple reports came out recently saying that in 2016, the Federal Bureau of Investigation sent an informant to speak with Trump campaign advisors.
Here's where this gets controversial. The FBI is allowed to use informants to speak to people and get information. But it's not allowed to do this for political purposes. So, what happened in this case, we don't know yet.

President Trump has said that if the FBI used the informant to spy on his campaign, it would be illegal and a disgrace to the United States. He's also suggested, according to "The Hill" political Website that this might have been done by members of the Obama administration to decrease Trump's chances of winning the election.
But "The New York Times" reports that while the informant interacted with members of Trump's campaign, it was not for illegal, political purposes, and critics say the president is using the news of the informant to discredit the ongoing investigation involving Russia.
So, what are the next steps in all this? The White House and the Justice Department, which the FBI is part of, have agreed to investigate how the informant was used. The results of that could indicate whether or not any laws were broken.