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Researchers at Columbia University set out on a mission to create the perfect cheesecake with 3D printing. 哥伦比亚大学的研究人员开始了一项用3D打印技术制作完美奶酪蛋糕的任务。Now, this concept of using a machine to make a three-dimensional, tangible, solid object from a digital file has been around for decades.这个用机器制作数字文件中的三维、有形、固态物体的概念已经存在了几十年。It wasn't until around 2005 that 3D printing started to become more mainstream.直到2005年左右,3D打印才开始成为主流。Let's see how these scientists fared in their quest to create the perfect cheesecake using a printer. 让我们来看看这些科学家用打印机制作完美奶酪蛋糕的探索进展如何。Something tells me that in the future, many of us are going to be reminiscent about the halcyon days when our food was made with a human's touch.我感觉,在未来,我们中的许多人会怀念人类亲手制作食物的美好日子。The general principle here is as soon as you kind of touch software with an industry, you don't really go back.食品行业的一般原则是,一旦你接触到行业软件,你就真的回不去了。Jonathan Blutinger and his team at Columbia's Creative Machines Lab attempted over and over and over to make that very satisfying cheesecake using a 3D printer. 哥伦比亚大学创意机器实验室的乔纳森·布鲁廷格和他的团队一遍又一遍地尝试用3D打印机制作令人满意的奶酪蛋糕。The results were terrible until they realized cheesecake's creamy, soft texture required some rethinking. 但实验结果很糟糕,直到他们意识到需要重新考虑奶酪蛋糕奶油般柔软的质地。To back up, 3D printed food has been around for years. 为证实这一观点,我们可以看到3D打印食品已经存在多年了。You can find companies working on candies, sugar decorations and pancakes.你可以找到很多生产糖果、糖果装饰和煎饼的公司。One California company, Sugar Lab, has treats, you can purchase right now for around $20.加州一家名为Sugar Lab的公司推出了一款糖果,现在花大约20美元就可以买到。But at Columbia University, the researchers were dealing with something that's pretty well mushy.但在哥伦比亚大学,研究人员处理的是糊化度高的食品。We didn't really think about the rheology of jelly and banana being so soft and kind of mushy that it kind of just crumbled as soon as the graham cracker paste kind of created a ceiling on top of it. 我们没有想到如此柔软、会糊化的果冻、香蕉的流变学性质--当全麦饼干面糊形成一个顶部时就会碎掉。So, it was a -- it was sobering experience.因此,这是一次发人深省的经历。If they could figure it out, this technology could give cooks greater control over nutrition and calorie counts.如果他们能解决这个问题,这项技术就可以让厨师更好地控制营养和卡路里计数。And 3D printing cuts down on human handling, which minimizes potential contamination. 3D打印减少了人工操作,从而最大限度地减少了潜在的污染。After a few more tries, they discovered the tricks that worked.经过几次尝试,他们发现了凑效的诀窍。Then we quickly started to think and try to create little walls and kind of little pockets to hold some of these softer ingredients. 我们很快开始思考并尝试创造小尺寸容器、用其内壁来容纳这些柔软的食材。We got to a point that was pretty exciting.我们达到了一个激动人心的阶段。The now well-structured cheesecake just needed a finishing touch.现在结构完善的奶酪蛋糕只需要最后的妙招。In this case, the added flair was one that separates Columbia from their 3D printing counterparts. 在这种情况下,额外的妙招可以让哥伦比亚大学的奶酪蛋糕从3D打印奶酪蛋糕中脱颖而出。Blutinger used a touch of laser cooking that toasted the top with exacting precision not found in any other cooking appliance. And the taste?布鲁廷格稍微使用了一种激光烹饪技术,以其他任何烹饪器具都无法企及的精确程度烤出了蛋糕顶部。那味道如何呢?Because the ingredients were packed together, you can really taste each ingredient in waves. 因为蛋糕里塞满了各种食材,所以可以轮番品尝到每种食材的味道。