
牛津书虫系列《哈克贝利费恩历险记》Chapter4 附中英双语文本

4 The Duke and the King
4 公爵和国王
Two or three days and nights went by and nothing much happened.We travelled at night when it was dark and everybody was asleep. We didn't want anyone to see Jim and ask questions about him.
Then, one morning,just after it was light,I found a little canoe,so I got into it and went over to the side of the river.I was looking round,when,suddenly,two men ran through the trees.
'Help!' they cried.'There are men and dogs trying to catch us. But we've done nothing wrong!'
One of the men was about seventy years old;the other was about thirty,and they both had very old, dirty clothes. I said they could come with me, and we ran quickly back to the canoe.
Back on the raft we talked for a time and then the young man said,'My friends,I think I can tell you my secret now.I'm really a duke.My grandfather was the son of the Duke of Bridgewater,but he left England and came to America.When the old Duke died,my grandfather's younger brother stole everything and made himself the Duke of Bridgewater.'
Well,of course,we were all very unhappy for our friend the Duke,but he said,'I'll be happier if you do things for me.Bring me my dinner!'
So we did things for him,and he liked it. But the old man spoke very little and he looked unhappy,too.After a time he said,'You know,Bridgewater,I, too, have a secret.'And he began to cry.
'What do you mean?'the Duke asked.'What's your secret?'
And then the old man told us that he was really the first son of the King of France.He asked us all to go down on one knee when we spoke to him. we could call him'Your Majesty',too.So that was what we did, and they were both happy.Of course,I knew that they weren't really a duke and a king, but I didn't tell Jim.It's best if everybody is happy when you're living together on a raft.
The King and the Duke were very interested in Jim.'Is he a slave?'they wanted to know.'Is he running away?'
I had to tell them something, so I said that Jim belonged to my uncle and was taking me to my family in New Orleans.
'Well,we'll travel down river with you,then,'said the King.'We'll have a fine time together.'
So the four of us went on down the river, but Jim and I didn't like those two men.They were always getting drunk and making plans to get money out of people in every town.It's all right to take a chicken or something if you're hungry,but these men were really bad! Jim and I decided to get away from them as soon as we could.It wasn't easy because they wanted to be with us all the time.