
牛津书虫系列《苔丝》Chapter7 附中英双语文本

One day in August the sun was rising through the mist.In a yellow cornfield near Marlott village it shone on two large arms of painted wood.These,with two others below, formed the turning cross of the reaping-machine.It was ready for today's harvest. A group of men and a group of women came down the road at sunrise. As they walked along, their heads were in the sun while their feet were in the shadow of the hedge.They went into the field.
Soon there came a sound like the love-making of the grasshopper.The machine had begun, and three horses pulled it slowly along the field.Its arms turned,bright in the sunlight.Gradually the area of standing corn was reduced.So was the living space of the small field animals,who crowded together,not knowing that they could not escape the machine in the end.
The harvesters followed the machine, picking and tying up bundles of corn. The girls were perhaps more interesting to look at.They wore large cotton hats to keep off the sun, and gloves to protect their hands from the corn.The prettiest was the one in the pale pink jacket,who never looked around her as she worked.She moved forward, bending and tying like a machine.Occasionally she stood up to rest.Then her face could be seen:a lovely young face,with deep dark eyes and long heavy curling hair.Her cheeks were paler,her teeth more regular, and her red lips thinner than most country girls’.
It was Tess Durbeyfield, or d’Urberville, rather changed, living as a stranger in her home village.She had decided to do outdoor work and earn a little money in the harvest.
The work continued all morning,and Tess began to glance towards the hill. At eleven o’clock a group of children came over the hill. Tess blushed a little,but still did not pause in her work.The eldest child carried in her arms a baby in long clothes. Another brought some lunch. The harvesters stopped work,sat down and started to eat and drink.
Tess also sat down, some way from the others. She called the girl, her sister, and took the baby from her. Unfastening her dress, and still blushing, she began feeding her child. The men kindly turned away,some of them beginning to smoke. All the other women started to talk and rearrange their hair. When the baby had finished Tess played with him without showing much enthusiasm. Then suddenly she kissed him again and again,as if she could not stop.The baby cried out at the violence of her kisses.