
牛津书虫系列《勃朗特一家的故事》Chapter2 附中英双语文本


On Christmas Day little Anne looked lonely.She asked me about her sisters.
'Don't worry,my dear,'I said.'They are happy,with the other girls at school.You shall go to Cowan Bridge,too,when you are older.'
I remember how strangely she looked at me then.She was only four,and very pretty.She smiled at me,but her face went very white,and her hands started to shake.I don't know why.I thought she was cold,and I put some more wood on the fire.Then Aunt Branwell read her a story from the Bible,and I for-got about it.
In February a letter came.It was in an adult's handwriting,not Maria' Many children in the school have been ill,and your daughter Maria...
My hand began to shake badly,and I dropped the letter on the floor.As I picked it up,I could see only one word—dead ...If your daughter Maria does not come home soon,she will be dead.
I went over the hills to bring her back.My Maria was in a small bed in a cold room upstairs,coughing badly.Elizabeth and Charlotte and Emily stood beside her,waiting for me.They looked so sad and ill and frightened.I remember the big eyes in their small white faces.But I did not bring them home then;the school doctor said it was not necessary. So I took Maria home across the cold,windy moors to Haworth.I sat be-side her in the coach and held her hand all the way.I remem-ber how cold her hand was in mine.Thin cold fingers,that did not move at all.
It was too late to save her.She lay in bed upstairs for nearly three months,but she was too ill to eat.Her poor face was white,I remember,and it seemed thin and small like a dead child's.Only her eyes looked alive—big dark eyes in a thin white face.'Don't cry,father,'she said to me once.' I shall be with mother soon,you know.And with God.'
I buried Maria beside her mother,and a month later I buried Elizabeth there,too.She became ill at school,and a woman from the school brought her home.I brought Charlotte and Emily home two weeks later.They were here when Elizabeth died.Her body lay all night in a wooden box on the table,and her little sisters and brother kissed her before she was buried.
I had wanted so much for these two girls,and now I had nothing.I stood in the church,and looked at the summer flow-ers I had put on their grave.I remembered how my wife had held the girls in her arms,and how she had smiled at me when we looked at them.'They have come back to you now,Maria,'I said.'I am sorry.I am so sorry,my love.'