
牛津书虫系列《曾达的囚徒》Chapter2 附中英双语文本


'Good evening,sir,'Johann said,still staring at me.He did not seem to like what he saw.
The girl began to laugh.'It's the colour of your hair,sir,'she explained.'We don't often see that colour here. It's the Elphberg red-not Johann's favourite colour.'
The next day I decided to walk through the forest for a few miles and take the train to Strelsau from a little station along the road.I sent my luggage on by train and after lunch,I started out on foot.First,I wanted to see the Castle of Zenda and in half an hour I had climbed the hill to it.There were two buildings the old one,with a moat around it,and the new,modern building.Duke Michael could have friends to stay with him in the new castle,but he could go into the old castle when he wanted to be alone.The water in the moat was deep,and if he pulled up the drawbridge over the moat,no one could get to him.
I stayed there for some time and looked at the castle,and then I walked on through the forest for about an hour.It was beautiful and I sat down to enjoy it.Before I knew what had happened,I was asleep.
Suddenly I heard a voice say,'Good heavens!He looks just like the King!'
When I opened my eyes,there were two men in front of me.One of them came nearer.
'May I ask your name?'he said.
'Well,why don't you tell me your names first?'I replied.
The younger of the two men said,'This is Captain Sapt,and I am Fritz von Tarlenheim.We work for the King of Ruritania.
'And I am Rudolf Rassendyll,'I answered,'a traveller from England.My brother is Lord Burlesdon.'
'Of course!The hair!'Sapt cried.'You know the story,Fritz?'
Just then a voice called out from the trees behind us.'Fritz!Fritz!Where are you,man?'
'It's the King!'Fritz said,and Sapt laughed.
Then a young man jumped out from behind a tree.I gave a cry,and when he saw me,he stepped back in sudden surprise.The King of Ruritania looked just like Rudolf Rassendyll,and Rudolf Rassendyll looked just like the King!
For a moment the King said nothing,but then he asked,'Captain…Fritz…who is this?'
Sapt went to the King and spoke quietly in his ear.The King's surprise changed slowly to an amused smile,then suddenly he began to laugh loudly.'Well met,cousin!'he cried.'Where are you travelling to?'
'To Strelsau,sirto the coronation.'
The King looked at his friends,and,for a moment,he was serious.But then he began to laugh again.'Wait until brother Michael sees that there are two of us!'he cried.