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跟我学英语(follow me) lesson 16


1. Are you going away on holiday?
Francis: Are you going away on holiday?
Robber: Yes, I’m going away.
Francis: then book an XYZ holiday. Look. A holiday in Spain, in Majorca! There are flights on weekdays at twelve o’clock. The train leaves Victoria Station at ten . It arrives at
Gatwick Airport at 10:40 . The flight leaves at twelve and it gets to Majorca at 14:30
—half past two in the afternoon .
Robber: Can I go today?
Francis: Sorry , sir . Not today . Not on Saturday .
Robber: Tomorrow then?
Francis: No , sir . Tomorrow is Sunday . We haven’t got any flights on Saturday or Sunday . Is next week all right ? Monday next week ?
Robber: Yes , that’s all right . But first I’m going to the bank .
Francis: The banks aren’t open on Saturday .
Customer:Can you help me ? I don’t understand this . What does this mean ?
Francis: There are flights on weekdays . But there aren’t any flights at the weekend . Today is Saturday . There aren’t any flights today . Tomorrow is Sunday . There aren’t any flights tomorrow . But there are flights next week . It means that XYZ flights leave on weekdays , from Monday to Friday . But they don’t leave at the weekend , on Saturday or Sunday .
Customer:Thank you rery much . Now I understand .
Francis: Now madam . A holiday with XYZ . . .
Customer:I’ll come back next week .
Francis: They ask questions , but they don’t book holidays .
2. I’ll be home late tonight .
Manager: I’m sorry , darling . I’ll be home late tonight .
Wife: Where are you ?
Manager: I’m in my office . I’m working . But I’ll be home in two hours . It’s seven o’clock now . I’ll be home at nine o’clock .
Wife: Will you be late tomorrow ?
Manager: Tomorrow ? No , I won’t be late tomorrow . I’ll be early . I’ll be back at four o’clock . Will you be at home then ?
Wife: Of course .
Manager: Good! And the next day we’ll be on holiday .
3. When did you arrive?
Young man: Are you on an XYZ holiday?
Manager: Yes. I’m afraid we are.
Young man: I’m on an XYZ holiday, too.
Wife: When did you arrive?
Young man: I arrived this morning. The plane was late. delayed.
Lady: Yes. We arrived in Majorca twelve hours late. We arrived at half past two in the morning.
Manager: Our plane was late, too.
Lady: Did you arrive today?
Manager: No, we didn’t. We arrived yesterday. We arrived last night.
Wife: Our flight was late. We were seven hours late.
Manager: Is he on at XYZ holiday?
Young man: I think so.
Robber: Yes. I’m on an XYZ holiday. I arrived here on Monday and I like it very much.