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你想模仿谁?Who would you imitate?

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Alice…
… And I’m Neil.
Can you do any impersonations, Neil?
How about this one: My name is Michael Caine. Not a lot of people know that.
这个怎么样:我是Michael Caine。不是很多人知道。
Michael Caine, one of our best loved actors here in Britain.Not bad, Neil. And is a very good way to start today’s show.We are talking about impersonation – or the act of pretending to be somebody else. Why do we like impersonations, Neil?
Michael Caine是英国最受人们欢迎的演员之一。这个还不错。也是很好的开场方式。今天我们谈论模仿,也就是假装是某人的行为。为什么我们喜欢模仿他人呢?
Well, sometimes the impersonator is a comedian and doing it to be funny.But another reason is that we get the opportunity to meet people who are no longer with us – like Elvis Presley or Marilyn Monroe.Either way, it helps if it’s a good impersonation.
有时候模仿名人是演员为了搞笑的一种表演方式。但还有一个原因是我们借此机会致敬永远离开我们的人,如Elvis Presley和Marilyn Monroe。不管是哪种,如果模仿得好就有好的效果。
Yes, some impersonations are pretty cheesy – and that means bad quality.
Oh yeah so… uh-huh… OK, Alice, I have a question for you!
Neil, that’s terrible!
Elvis, please, come on. Can you tell me the name of a musical act that impersonates a famous group?Is it …a) tribute,b) tribune,or c) tribunal?
Elvis来回答问题吧。若一个乐队模仿一个著名的团体,我们将这一行为称之为?a)翻唱b) 讲坛,还是 c) 裁决?
I’ll go for a) tribute.
A tribute act? OK, well, we’ll find out if you got that right later on in the show.But, Alice, don’t you think some impersonators start to believe they really are the personalities they imitate?
What makes you say that?
Just think: every time you appear as Elvis Presley, you get fans yelling, ’Elvis, Elvis, we love you, Elvis!’ And after a while that boundary between you and the real Elvis starts to blur.It must be quite tempting to, you know, pretend that you’re the king of rock’n’roll…
你这样想:每一次你都以Elvis Presley的身份出现,你听见粉丝大喊着“Elvis, Elvis,我们爱你,Elvis!”不久你和真正的Elvis之间的界限就会变得模糊。而且假装自己是摇滚之王,这个诱惑真的很大。
I’m not convinced, Neil. I think Elvis hangs up his wig and moves on.So let’s move on too, and talk about the art of imitation. Here’s British impressionist Jon Culshaw providing some tips on how to imitate – or copy – people.
我不确定。我认为是Elvis 戴着假发,继续生活。 我们也继续谈论模仿这种行为。英国印象主义者Jon Culshaw提供了模仿别人的几点技巧。
Don’t just say the catchphrase, don’t just say, ’I am Michael Caine.’ Say a bit more, get some gags going, some conversation going.Notice the things which are worth stretching, which are worth exaggerating to really give you the caricature of that person. It might be a little tic, it might be a little nuance - whatever you notice first really.
不要只是说口头禅,如“我是Michael Caine。”多说一点,说一些笑话,多聊一些。留意哪些内容值得延伸,哪些值得夸大,就像给这个人做漫画一样。也许只是无意识的小动作,也许只是细微的差别,不管你最先注意到什么。
Jon Culshaw, there. What’s a catchphrase, Neil?
上述是Jon Culshaw的看法。什么是口头禅呢?
It’s a well-known phrase, often associated with a famous person– like the one I used for Michael Caine earlier on! ’Not a lot of people know that.’ So Jon is saying that it isn’t enough to repeat a catchphrase or use another impersonator’s ideas – you need to think of your own gags – or jokes.
就是凭一句话就让你联想到某个著名的人。就像我用过Michael Caine早先说过的一句话——“不是所有的人都知道。”Jon的意思是仅仅重复一句口头禅或使用其他模仿艺人的想法是不够的,你要有自己的笑料或段子。
And you do this by noticing and then exaggerating a person’s tics.A tic is something you do often without realizing you’re doing it, like using certain phrases or gestures – for example, scratching your head.Or in your case, Neil, wiggling your eyebrows.
Do I wiggle my eyebrows?
You’re doing it right now!But moving on, there is a serious and very negative side to impersonation.Some impostors – or people who deceive others by pretending to be somebody else – pose as doctors or lawyers, for example.
You mean without having the qualifications to do the job?
Exactly – which can have serious consequences, for example pretending to be a doctor with no medical knowledge.
Like in the film with Leonardo DiCaprio where his character impersonates an airline pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer.
DiCaprio’s character in the movie Catch Me If You Can is actually based on a real man called Frank Abagnale.Pan Am estimated that in two years Abagnale flew 250 flights to 26 countries.
莱昂纳多在《猫鼠游戏》这部电影中塑造的角色是以真人Frank Abagnale为原型。泛美航空公司预计两年内Frank Abagnale共驾驶250次航班,飞往26个城市。
OK, let’s listen to Dr Naftali G. Berrill, a forensic psychologist in New York City.He evaluates people for the American government. Here he’s talking about another real case of a woman in the US who was caught pretending to be an attorney – that’s a lawyer.
我们听一听纽约犯罪心理学家Naftali G. Berrill博士的看法。他为美国政府效力,对人们进行评估。他讲述了一个美国女人因伪装律师而被捕的真实案例。
The thing that was most troubling is that because she realized that she was not an attorneyand that she was taking people’s money under false pretence,there was no sense of remorse or sense of sadness that she had exploited the people that trusted her. But, you know, in cases where you get these impostors who specifically are pursuing financial gain, they know what they’re doing, but they do it with the shallow conscience of an antisocial personality.
That was Dr Naftali G. Berrill. What does remorse mean, Neil?
上述是Naftali G. Berrill博士的看法。懊悔是什么意思?
It means being sorry for something you’ve done.
And our conscience is our inner sense of right or wrong – so a shallow conscience is one that isn’t very deep.
道德心是指内心对是非的判断,shallow conscience是指道德心不强。
Antisocial in this context means harmful to other people and to society– although in a general sense, it means not enjoying the company of others.
OK. Well, I love your company, Neil, as you know.Now, how about the answer to today’s quiz question?
I asked: What’s the name we use for a band that impersonates a famous group?Is it … a) tribute? b) tribune? Or c) tribunal?
我问你:若一个乐队模仿一个著名的团体,我们将这一行为称之为?a)翻唱b) 讲坛,还是 c) 裁决?
I said tribute.
And you were right!
Many tribute acts copy the singing style and the appearance of the group as well as playing their music.They often name themselves based on the original band’s name (sometimes with a pun), or on one of their songs or albums.For example, Bjorn Again – a famous Abba tribute band.This name is a pun on ’Bjorn’, a member of Abba,and the phrase ’Born Again’, which means to come back to life!
翻唱是指模仿一个组合的演唱风格或装扮或者演唱他们的歌曲。他们根据原有乐队的名字(有时会使用双关语)、其中一首歌或专辑名来命名自己的乐队。例如Bjorn Again是著名的Abba翻唱乐队。该名一语双关,取自于Abba其中一个成员’Bjorn’,同时又指’Born Again’,重生。
OK. It’s time to hear the words we learned today. They are:
Well, that’s the end of today’s 6 Minute English.Please join us again soon!
Bye bye.