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农村与城市,你更喜欢住在哪?City or Country,in which do you prefer to live?

Nowadays, in China, we may find that there live a few people in the country, especially a few young people who live in villages. It is because the young go out for working or study. So when they find jobs with high salaries or get used to city life, few come back to their homeland. Their reason is obvious, city life is full of temptations. Living in a city, you can have an amusing lifestyle. You can have dinner in many great restaurants, and take participate in many interesting activities. And only in the cities, there are theatres, libraries, big shopping malls, and parks, which won’t be seen in the countries. But some people who were born in cities or the old want to live in the countries, most of them appreciate the fresh air and great environment there. The young think that they can go hiking or go fishing whenever they want, it is more wonderful and adventurous to live in villages. These are my perspectives, what about yours? Can you tell me?如今,在中国我们也许会发现许多乡村的人口很少,特别是年轻人很少住在乡村里。这是因为大部分年轻人都出去工作或是求学。于是当他们在城市里找到收入可观的工作后或是习惯城市生活后,他们很少有人会回到自己的家乡。原因很明显,城市里的生活充满了诱惑。居住在城市里面,你可以过着很精彩的生活。你可以在各种餐厅里面尝美食,可以参加各种有趣的活动。而且只有在城市里才有戏院,图书馆,大型商场以及主题公园,这些都是住在乡村里的人见不到的。但是有些生在城市的年轻人或是那些年纪大的人比较喜欢乡村生活,他们称赞乡村的新鲜空气和良好的环境。而年轻人认为住在农村他们可以随时去爬山、钓鱼,这样的生活更有趣更冒险。此外,乡村生活的压力也较少。这些都是我的个人看法,你们是怎么想的?