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我的太空旅游梦My Dream About the Space Travel

When people asked me what my dream is, I will tell them loudly that I want to travel on the space. Since I know about the universe from my teacher, I think that universe is mysterious and beautiful. I am so curious about all the things that I decide to be scientist and travel in the space after growing up. My parents are proud of me for my great dream and they all support me to fight for the dream.每当别人问我的梦想是什么的时候,我会大声地告诉他们我的梦想就是去太空旅行。只从我从老师那认识宇宙之后,我觉得宇宙真是太美丽太神秘了。我对有关宇宙的所有事情都很感兴趣,以致我决定长大后一定要成为科学家并实现太空旅行梦。我的父母都为我的梦想感到骄傲,都支持我为梦想而奋斗。