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关于居住环境 About the Living Environment

It is true that everyone would like to live in a place with a good environment. Generally, the great environment means that you can see trees and nice scenes throughout the windows. When we are choosing a department, we consider many factors, for instance, whether there are hospitals, supermarkets, schools, and other infrastructure facilities in the beautiful neighborhood. However, we think less about the protection of our living environment. Some people often don’t throw the rubbish in the right place, and they refuse to do recycling. Some are always making noise but when others do the same thing they begin to complain. Therefore we should do our best to prevent environmental pollution while we live in surrounding areas.事实上,每个人都喜欢居住在环境良好的地方。一般而言,良好的环境意味着你可以通过自家窗户看到外面的树木美景。当我们在选择公寓的时候,我们会考虑很多因素。例如,美丽的小区附近是否有医院、超市、学校及其他基础设施,然而我却没有好好想过保护好我们的居住环境。有些人常常乱扔垃圾,拒绝给废物归类。有些人还老是制造噪音而别人那么做的时候他却开始抱怨。因此,既然我们住在这个区域那么我们就应该努力不要污染这里的环境。