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BBC news with Nick Kelly.


Bolivia's Lower House of Congress is debating a bill permitting presidential elections in the near future. It allows all political parties to take part in the poll, but excludes Evo Morales, the man who won the first disputed vote. Separately, the interim President of Bolivia rejected a Senate's attempt to grant Mr. Morales amnesty.

The Israeli politician vying to become Prime Minister Benny Gantz has urged MPs from his rival Likud Party to help him form a government. His plea came two days after the caretaker prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu was charged with corruption, he doesn't have to resign unless found guilty. 

President Trump's lawyer and closed ally, Rudy Giuliani has said he is not afraid to be indicted in connection with impeachment inquiry. Mr. Giuliani hit back at those who accused him of pressing Ukraine to make investigations into the family of the president's rival Joe Biden. He told Fox News his aim was solely to protect Mr. Trump from what he called conspiracy.

Suspected Jihadists in Niger have killed three village chiefs in five days. A MP from the area near the border with Mali said armed men had murdered the local leaders straight after kidnapping them.

Almost 150 migrants have been rescued from the sea off the Italian island of Lampedusa. At least two are still missing.

And Brazil's most popular team Flamenco has won the show peace's tournament of South America football Copa Libertadores, the first time in nearly four decades. Flamenco beat the Argentine's River Plate 2:1.

BBC news.