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International Focus: U.S. Troops in South Korea Emerge as Potential Bargaining Chip


SEOUL—Powerful voices in Washington and Seoul have given a burst of energy to a question long relegated to the margins of public debate: If a peace deal can be struck with Pyongyang, would there be any need for U.S. forces on the Korean Peninsula?


The suggestion, once taboo in Washington and Seoul, comes ahead of a planned summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump, where some North Korea watchers expect Mr. Kim to raise the idea with the U.S. president.

这一度是华盛顿和首尔禁忌的话题。而眼下,朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Un)与美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)即将举行峰会,一些朝鲜观察人士预计金正恩将向特朗普提出这个想法。

A fringe minority of peace activists in South Korea has for decades called for the removal of the 28,500 U.S. troops in South Korea, calling them an affront to the country’s sovereignty and an obstacle to peace. That is largely in line with North Korea’s consistent position in calling for their removal.


Generally in South Korea and the U.S., however, the idea of withdrawal or troop reduction has been regarded as a nonstarter. Both the White House and South Korea’s left-leaning Moon Jae-in administration have been careful to underscore the importance of the U.S.-South Korea military alliance for maintaining stability in the region.

不过总体而言在韩国和美国,撤离或削减驻韩美军一直被认为是一个不切实际的想法。无论是美国白宫还是韩国左倾的文在寅(Moon Jae-in)政府,均小心翼翼地强调美国与韩国为维持朝鲜半岛稳定结成军事联盟的重要性。

On Friday, national security adviser John Bolton joined the Pentagon and South Korea’s presidential office in denying a New York Times report that Mr. Trump had ordered the Pentagon to look into drawing down troops in South Korea.

上周五,美国国家安全顾问博尔顿(John Bolton)加入了美国国防部和韩国总统府的阵营,驳斥了《纽约时报》(New York Times)的一篇报道。该报道称,特朗普已下令美国国防部研究削减驻韩美军人数的可能性。

Even so, the debate has picked up steam in the past week as top advisers and officials in the U.S. and South Korean governments express an openness to the idea.


Raising the possibility of U.S. troop reductions “will exacerbate ongoing allied fears both in South Korea and Japan about the U.S.’s commitment and resolve to defend them,” says Bruce Klingner, a former Central Intelligence Agency deputy division chief for Korea, now at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think tank. “It’s a worrisome development.”

Bruce Klingner称,韩国和日本一直担心美国的防卫承诺和决心,美国裁减驻军的可能性加大将加剧两国的这一担忧,这种情况令人担心。Klingner曾任美国中央情报局韩国处副处长,目前在华盛顿保守智库Heritage Foundation任职。

Mr. Trump has argued that the U.S. gets “practically nothing” for the roughly $1.2 billion a year it spends to station forces in South Korea. The president told a rally in Missouri in March that South Korea was “making a fortune” from trade with the U.S., even as the U.S. protected the country.
