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Harvard University has been a launch pad for many high-powered careers - and this summer has seen another crop of graduates leaving the flagship US university.


But if these are going to be the next generation of political and business leaders, what are their beliefs and experiences?


The Harvard Crimson student newspaper has carried out a close-up survey of these new graduates, showing their attitudes on politics, sex and technology.


Here are 10 things revealed about this new young elite.


1. An anxious generation. Among the class of 2018, 41% have at some point sought mental health support from the university’s health services. About 15% had also sought support off campus. It’s a striking reminder that these young people have studied at a time of rising concerns about stress and wellbeing on campus.

1. 焦虑的一代。应届毕业生中,2018年毕业生中41%曾经在某一阶段从“校医院”寻求精神健康帮助,大约15%还从校外寻求帮助。这一数字凸显出,今天“天之骄子”们承受的压力之大。

2. More than one in five leave Harvard as virgins. There was a similar number who had never had any "dating" experience while at university. Where dating did take place, dating apps were used by 69%. But more than a fifth of these new graduates reported having been "sexually harassed" at some point during their time as students.

2. 应届毕业生中,仍是处男/处女的超过五分之一。此外,还有大约同样比例的学生在校期间从来没有任何“约会”经历。曾约会过的人中,69%是通过交友软件APP安排的。不过,新毕业生中也有超过五分之一的人说,在校期间曾被“性骚扰”。

3. Liberals in a Trump era. Politically these young graduates, who began at Harvard during the Obama administration, are opponents of the current presidency, with 72% saying the US is going in the wrong direction. Only 3% of those who voted backed Donald Trump, and two-thirds of these graduates describe themselves as liberal or very liberal.

3. 特朗普时代的自由派。应届毕业生是在奥巴马任期内入学的,政治立场上,他们更倾向于反对特朗普。72%的人认为现在美国”朝着错误的方向走“,投了票的人当中只有3%选择支持特朗普。三分之二的人称自己政治倾向”自由“或者”非常自由“。

4. Campus free speech? There were signs that students are self-censoring their views and not debating openly. About two-thirds of students had "at some point chosen not to an express an opinion in an academic setting out of fear it would offend others". This was particularly the case for Republican supporters.

4. 言论自由与冒犯他人。有迹象表明,哈佛学生自我审查自己的观点、不公开辩论。大约三分之二的人说,“曾因担心冒犯他人、在学术环境中选择不表述观点,”这在民主党支持者中更为明显。

5. Raising a glass. Alcohol has proved to be the most durable of student diversions. More than 90% drink alcohol, and most drink every week. But tobacco has virtually been entirely stubbed out. There are almost no regular smokers, and more than three-quarters have never even once smoked tobacco. More students had tried cannabis than tobacco.

5. 只喝酒不抽烟。酒精是校园中最常青的一个选择。应届毕业生中饮酒者超过90%,大多数人还是每周都喝,但是,烟几乎”全被掐灭“,几乎没有定期抽烟的人,超过四分之三的人从来没有抽过烟。尝试过大麻的人比抽过烟的要多。

6. School shootings. There have been high-profile protests by young people in the US in the wake of school shootings. Harvard students backed calls to restrict access to firearms, with almost nine in 10 supporting tighter gun control.

6. 校园枪击案的震惊。校园枪击引起美国年轻人大规模抗议示威。哈佛应届毕业生中90%支持更加严格的控枪措施。

7. Smart students, smartphones. This is a cohort of students completely immersed in digital technology. Almost all of these new graduates own a smartphone, which are so prevalent that they’re almost taken for granted. There is a strong bias towards iPhones, used by 87% of those leaving Harvard, with 80% using some other Apple computer device.


8. Harvard introduced an honour code in which students promised not to engage in academic cheating. But this survey suggests that this has not changed behaviour and that levels of cheating have remained broadly the same, with about a fifth of students owning up to having cheated at some stage. Very few of these say that this was detected.

8. 作弊改进不大。哈佛曾引入”诚信“准则,学生承诺学术上不作弊、不欺骗。但是本项调查表明,这并没有改变校园文化,欺骗行为和从前基本相当。仍有大约五分之一的人承认曾经作假,只有极少数人说被发现。

9. Widening access. Entrance to top universities is always controversial. More than 60% back the principle of affirmative action and prioritising the admission of some students based on ethnicity. It was most popular among black and Hispanic graduates and least popular among Asian and white graduates.

9. 招生录取有争议。一流大学的招生永远是个争议性问题。60%的应届毕业生原则上支持”平权法案“、支持根据种族优先录取部分学生,持这种观点最多的是黑人、西班牙裔,最少的是亚裔和白人。

10. What next? They’re planning careers that will see them clustering in three areas, New York, Massachusetts and California. About a 10th expect to head overseas. The biggest job destinations immediately after college are consulting, finance and technology. But if this gives a picture of where the new money will be made, 60% of the new graduates still expect to be depending on money from their parents.

10. 工作与啃老的选择。应届毕业生的职场选择集中于三个地区:纽约、马萨诸塞和加利福尼亚,大约十分之一计划出国。离开校园后的”第一份工“集中在咨询、金融和技术领域。但是,60%的毕业生预计仍会继续”啃老“:依赖父母的资金支持。