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Angela Merkel bowed to French President Emmanuel Macron’s demands for a eurozone budget on Tuesday as part of a package of measures to overhaul the European Union, which the two will now put to their neighbors in a bid to overcome the continent’s deepening divisions.

德国总理默克尔(Angela Merkel)周二在欧元区预算问题上向法国总统马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)的要求做出妥协。作为欧盟改革一揽子措施的组成部分,默克尔和马克龙现在将把这一共同预算计划交由其他成员国审阅,希望藉此来弥合欧洲国家之间不断加大的分歧。

While the size of the budget has yet to be determined, the German leader’s concession means Berlin and Paris—the eurozone’s two largest economies—will face the bloc’s other member states with a joint line when they meet in Brussels to discuss the changes at the end of next week.


“We have found a good solution,” Ms. Merkel said, adding she was convinced that lawmakers from her coalition government would back the idea of a budget designed to spur investments and convergence among the 19 EU member states who share the euro as their currency.


The agreement came as EU unity faces challenges on several fronts. President Donald Trump’s open hostility to the EU and punitive trade measures have raised the urgency of a French-German agreement, as the two countries seek to find common ground on reforms before they try to present a united front toward the U.S. in a growing series of disputes.

目前,欧盟内部的团结正面临来自各方面的挑战。美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)对欧盟公开表现出敌意,并对后者宣布了惩罚性贸易措施,这一因素使得德法之间达成一致变得非常紧迫。在争端不断增加的情况下,德法两国试图先在改革方面找到共识,然后再尝试建立一个针对美国的统一战线。

Ms. Merkel’s green light to Mr. Macron came after several hours of talks at a government guesthouse north of Berlin, during which the leaders sought to bridge their remaining differences on foreign and economic policies. Close aides to the leaders had paved the way over several days and nights of preparatory meetings in recent weeks.


Mr. Macron backed Ms. Merkel’s push for a European resolution to the migration challenge.


“Unilateral, uncoordinated action will split Europe,” the two leaders said in a joint statement.


Mr. Macron and Ms. Merkel had set Tuesday’s meeting as a deadline to seal an agreement on demands Mr. Macron set out nearly nine months ago for EU changes and a pooling of resources among the 19 countries in the eurozone.


In their statement, the leaders said they would establish a eurozone budget starting in 2021 to promote “competitiveness, convergence and stabilization.” They also said they would transform the eurozone’s 500 billion Euro rescue fund—the European Stability Mechanism known as ESM—into a permanent fund that could offer long-term loans to financially stressed governments as well as short-term credit lines.

两位领导人在联合声明中称,计划从2021年开始建立欧元区预算,以此促进“竞争、融合以及稳定”。他们还称,将对规模为5,000亿欧元的欧元区援救基金,即欧洲稳定机制(European Stability Mechanism)进行改革,将其转变成一个永久性基金,可以向财政紧张的成员国政府提供长期贷款及短期信贷额度。

The resources of the budget would come annually from contributions from member states, allocating tax resources—possibly including a European financial transaction tax—and other European resources. But the details were left deliberately vague, Mr. Macron said, to allow the 19 eurozone members to define the budget together.
