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Fox News:拜登在超级星期二反攻,桑德斯将何去何从?(2)


But now we're gonna see these two men go one-on-one with each other and that's gonna have a much more different frame than it's had before and as a result it could have some very big consequences for either one of them. We don't know how they're gonna do in a one-on-one debate. We haven't seen them a one-on-one debate. And there is a lot required from any candidate in a debate like that. But if you got a lot of people on the stage to share time with you, you got at least a little bit of time to sort of figure out what you want to say when that question comes to you. Yeah, one of the interesting factors, I think, and Chuck just brought it up in terms of union strength in Michigan and, of course, that's a factor in Pennsylvania as well. And I was struck last night by the number of people who had union shirts and union hats on and even out on the streets as we came into Scranton. How much support there was from members of the union for the president? How do you think that vote has changed in the last few years Karl? Yeah, look I think the building trades and the construction you know the people who sort of make things, even the auto workers. I think they have become much more accepting of Trump. 

I think a lot of those union members voted against their union leadership in 2016 and voted for Trump. They are gonna be with Trump because they sense he is with them. Bernie made the attack. You heard his spokesman say well, he has voted against every trade deal. I think that's misrepresenting where union auto workers in Michigan might be. That might have been where they were 20 years ago, vote against any trade deal. I think they feel that President Trump stood up for them in the renegotiation of NAFTA and that things were made better for them. And their current circumstances matter and if they feel like their job is secure and they are making a good paycheck and they believe that the President cares about them, it's gonna be hard to pry them away and particularly in the Democratic Primary where you have got one guy who has been a lifelong -- you know, sort of involved in the union movement, namely Joe Biden, and another guy who has been involved on behalf of the union movement, but Vermont is not a big place like, you know, neither is Delaware, but Biden was sort of the third Senator from Pennsylvania. And he has cultivated those union ties for a long time which is why I think that they have got to find another message other than he voted against - he voted for trade deals and I voted against him. Karl, thank you always good to see you. You bet.