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Fox News:美议员表示无需对新冠病毒感到恐慌(1)


So here now via Skype Republican Congressman Doug Collins who is self-quarantined because he came in contact with someone who did contract the virus at CPAC this year. Congressman, good to see you tonight. What do you make of that report that says that most Americans will likely be exposed to coronavirus as you were and are you still asymptomatic? Martha, it's good to be with you. Yes, I'm asymptomatic. I'm feeling fine. There's been no problems. In fact, I have carried on my normal workout routine in doing work from here at home and communicating with (inaudible) in DC especially we've been dealing with FISA and other things on - in Washing. And I think what's interesting is we can come in contact - one of the reasons that we're following the protocols set forth because I was exposed to someone who has tested positive is to make sure everybody follows these recommendations. As Dr. Fauci said, if we take control of this and we do what we're supposed to, we can make sure that this virus is relatively contained. 

People can be exposed but not get the virus and I think I'm a living proof of that, if we do the right things, do our hand washing, if we're sick, go to doctor, those kind of things. And that's why, the message I'm trying to get out is the administration's working through as well is follow the protocols and we can make sure that we have this under control. So you have several fellow members of Congress including Ted Cruz and Congressman Gosar also at home. Have any of them showed any signs of any symptoms at this point? None that I'm worried about. Have spoken to Sen. Cruz. He and I have talked and I talked to Mark Meadows as well but others in as we just had conversations, we're moving right along and we're doing the protocols and I think that's the important part here. - in the sense of doing the right thing but there's not a reason to be panicked and I think that's what they were trying to get across to you.