
牛津书虫系列《苔丝》Chapter1 附中英双语文本


Tess looked anxious.Her father, suddenly a great man, to die so soon!‘But where is father?’she asked firmly.
‘Now don't you get angry!’said Mrs Durbeyfield.‘The poor man was feeling so weak after the news that he went to Rolliver's.He needs to build up his strength to deliver the beehives tomorrow,remember.’
‘Oh my God!’cried Tess.‘He went to a public house!And you agreed to it, mother!’
‘No,I didn't,’said Mrs Durbeyfield crossly.‘I've been waiting for you to look after the children while I fetch him.’
Tess knew that her mother greatly looked forwad to these trips to Rolliver's.There she could sit by her husband's side among the beer-drinkers,and forget that the children existed.It was one of the few bright moments in her hardworking life.Mrs Durbeyfield went out,and Tess was left with the children.They were very young,and totally dependent on the Durbeyfield couple:six helpless creatures who had not asked to be born at all,much less to be part of the irresponsible Durbeyfield family.