
牛津书虫系列《苔丝》Chapter8 附中英双语文本


‘Oh no, that's just a story,’said Tess.
Then Mr Crick turned to business.‘You can milk well,my girl?I don't want my cows drying up,especially just now.’
‘Oh yes,I can,’answered Tess.
He looked at her delicate hands and pale face.
‘Quite sure you're strong enough for this sort of life? It's comfortable enough here for rough country people but it's hard work.’
‘Oh yes,I'm strong enough. I'm used to hard work,’Tess insisted.
‘Well,have some tea and something to eat.You've had a long journey,’he said kindly.
‘No,I'd rather begin milking straight away,’said Tess. ‘I'll just drink a little milk first.’
This surprised Dairyman Crick,who appeared never to have thought of milk as a drink.
‘Oh,if you can swallow it,have some,’he said,holding the bucket for her to drink from.‘I haven't touched any for years. It would lie in my stomach like a stone,so it would. Now,try that one and see how you get on.’And he pointed to the nearest cow.
As soon as Tess was on her stool under the cow, and the milk was pouring between her fingers into the bucket,she really felt that her new life was beginning. As she relaxed,she looked around her.
It was a large dairy.There were nearly a hundred milking cows.Dairyman Crick milked six or eight of the difficult ones with his own hands. He could not trust them to the dairymaids, because if the cows were badly milked their milk would simply dry up.
For a while there was no more talk among the milkers. Suddenly Mr Crick got up from his stool.
We're not getting as much milk from them as usual,’he said.‘We'd better sing them a song, friends, that's the only thing to do.’So the group of milkers started singing,to encourage the cows to give more.
Mr Crick went on,‘But I think bulls like music better than cows.Did I tell you all about William Dewy? On his way home after a wedding he found himself in a field with an angry bull. He took his violin and played some Christmas church music and down went the bull on his knees! Just like the animals around baby Jesus! And so William was able to escape.’
‘It's a curious story.It takes us back to the past,when belief in God was a living thing.’This unusual remark came from under a cow.