
牛津书虫系列《勃朗特一家的故事》Chapter8 附中英双语文本


When he stopped coughing,it was because he had stopped breathing.My only son was dead.
We buried him in the church beside his mother and little sis-ters.It was a cold,rainy afternoon.There were dead wet leaves in the graveyard,and the wind blew rain into our faces.I came back into the house soon afterwards,but Emily walked for an hour or two in the rain with her dog,Keeper.When she came back into the house,her dress was wet through.
Several days later Emily became ill.Her face was hot,she couldn't eat,she kept moving round the house.It was difficult for her to breathe,and it took her a long time to climb the stairs.Charlotte felt her heart—it was beating a hundred and fifteen times a minute.
'Let me call a doctor,Emily,' Charlotte said.
But Emily refused.'If he comes,I won't talk to him.'
'Then go to bed and rest,please.I can light a fire in your room,and bring you milk and read to you if you like.You need rest,sister!'
'I…do…not!'said Emily slowly.She had to breathe hard between each word,and her face was as white as Branwell's had been.'My body…doesn't… matter now.I don't…care…about it.I'll live…as I always…have.'
And so,every day,she got up at seven o'clock,dressed her-self,and stayed downstairs until ten at night.She ate little or nothing,and coughed for hours.Sometimes she coughed blood.She never went out of the house,but one day Charlotte brought some heather from the moors for her to look at. Emily was lying on the black sofa in the sitting-room.Her dog,Keep-er,lay on the floor in front of her.
'Look,Emily,'Charlotte said.'I've found some purple heather for you.There are still one or two flowers left on the moor.
'Where?'Emily asked.
'Here.Look.'Charlotte held out the small,bright purple flower.
Emily turned and looked at Charlotte, but I don't think she could see the heather.Her eyes were too bad. Charlotte put it in Emily's hands,but after a moment Emily dropped it on the floor.
At last she said:'Charlotte,I…will see…the doctor now. If he…comes.'Then she closed her eyes.
Emily was so thin,and her white skin looked like paper. I knew it was too late,but I said to Anne:'Quick!Put on your coat and fetch him,now!'
We did not have long to wait.The doctor came,half an hour later,to tell us what we already knew. Emily,my daughter,was dead.
1848 was a year of funerals.I buried many children from the village that year.There was a lot of sadness in Haworth.As I came out of the church with the dead flowers from Emily's grave,I saw three other families walk past me.They had come to visit the graves of their own dead children.