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The One With Joey's New Girlfriend


Chandler introduces himself to a good looking girl (Kathy), only to find out that she's dating Joey; as they get to know each other, Chandler's feelings get deeper. Whenever Rachel is around, Ross goes out of his way to mention Amanda, a single mother he's been seeing; Rachel counters by dating Josh, a much younger man; however, Amanda uses Ross as a babysitter so she can date another man, and Josh steals from Rachel. Ross uses weird gestures he made up as a kid instead of offensive ones. Phoebe has a bad cold which makes her singing voice sexy; when she recovers she desperately tries to catch another cold; she even kisses Gunther.




Phoebe 感冒

Phoebe 感冒了,不住地打喷嚏(sneeze).Monica 劝Phoebe不要再工作(Play)了,建议她回家卧床休息.Play 是指弹吉他,对于 Phoebe 来说,就是工作,因而我们译为“工作”.而非“玩儿”。
Phoebe 的感冒带来了意想不到的效果,她的voice 得有些沙哑,
Phoebe 想尽一切办法重新感冒,因为她想留住消失了的性感嗓音……

(Phoebe runs into the kitchen with wet hair, opens the window, and sticks her head outside.)
Ross: Pheebs, what are you doing?
Phoebe: Okay, I wanna be sexy again so I'm trying to catch a cold. It should be easy, supposedly they're pretty common.
Monica: Phoebe, you'll catch pneumonia.
Chandler: (entering) Okay. You were right. I'm in love with Joey's girlfriend.
Phoebe: What?!
Ross: Are you serious?
Phoebe: Well, how-how-how is that possible? You barely know her!


我们知道感冒的说法是“catch(a)cold”,得重感冒是“take a bad/heav cold”。还有,伤风感冒一般称为 cold,但是流行性感冒称为 flu,或者 influenza。感冒的症状 (symptom) 有很多,缓解症状的说法是 relieving the symptoms。这里,我们主要讨论一下感冒的症状。symptom 其实就是一种sign,一种 indication of disorder or disease 。


消痛的药物 (medications that reduce pain) 可以称为“analgesics”,即止痛药;退热的药物 (medications that reduce fever) 可以称为“antipyretic”,即退热药。药物经常有副作用,副作用是“side effects”。

有的人吃药、打针可能还会过敏,过敏是 allergy;pesticide allergy 是指“农药过敏”;skin allergy 是指“皮肤过敏”。I have an allergy to penicillin.是说“我对青霉素有过敏反应。”

但是你知道感冒的其他 symptoms (症状)吗?感冒的时候有时会感到很疲劳,这时我们可以用 fatigue 或 tiredness 来表示。

感冒的时候,鼻子不舒服的说法有很多,常见的有 running nose (流鼻涕),这个词还可以说成 runny nose;有趣的是 run 在这里可与跑步毫无关系,不要弄错了哦! 鼻塞的说法有 stuffy nose,stuffed nose,blocked nose。以及 nasal congestion 等。我们知道交通堵塞可以说成 traffic congestion,或者 traffic jam,那么是不可以以此类推,把鼻塞也说成 nasal jam 呢?想想看,how gross!

恶心吧?感冒的时候也会感到“恶心”(A feeling of sickness in the stomach

characterized by an urge to vomit),不过这时,我们要用 nausea 这个词;如果用形容词,则要使用 nauseous。

疼的说法也不少,toothache (牙痛);backache (背痛);stomachache (胃痛);earache (耳朵痛);但是嗓子疼不用 throatache,要说成 sore throat。

感冒了也许会发抖,用英文说就是 shivering,或 chill;咳嗽是 cough,或 coughing,干咳是 dry cough;没食欲是 loss of appetite;流眼泪是 watery

感冒了需要去医院或门诊,医院是 hospital,一旦住院了,病人就称 inpatient (住院病人),意思是“a patient who is admitted to a hospital or clinic

for treatment that requires at least one overnight stay”。门诊是 outpatient

service,去门诊看病的意思是不用住院治疗,因而门诊病人叫做 outpatient,
即 a patient who is admitted to a hospital or clinic for treatment that does not

require an overnight stay。

吃药是“take” medicine 不是“eat” medicine;打针是“give/take a shot”’
或者“give/take an injection”,但不用“play”,也不用“hit”、“strike”,或
“heat”等。感冒需要到内科 (Internal Medicine Department),内科医生叫physician,美国人也称为 internist;与内科相对的是外科,往往同手术相关,外科医生是 surgeon;牙医是 dentist。 vet,是兽医,别弄混了。

Monica 说,Phoebe 你别这样,别没得上感冒,得了肺炎 (pneumonia)。