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The One With The Kips


Chandler and Monica, tired of sneaking around, each make up an excuse to leave town and then go away for a weekend together. They end up fighting the whole time and Chandler's afraid it may be over. Ross struggles to reveal his agreement with Emily not to see Rachel anymore. Rachel doesn't take it very well; she doesn't want to give up Ross, nor get left out of the group like Chandler's old roommate, Kip. Joey finds some similarities in Chandler's and Monica's stories about the weekend, and figures out the truth; Monica and Chandler swear him to secrecy.



经典对白:5-05 入住hotel


为了有充分的时间和空享受二人世界. Monica和Chandler谎称开会,双双来到New Jersey度周末。不想,两人在宾馆里发生了争吵,本来计划完美的假期就这样被搞得很不愉快。原因其实很简单, Monica要调换房间,
(an ocean view room),
但现在被安排到了a garden vivw room而Chandler想看电视,不想动弹,有点像老夫老妻的样子。呵呵。

Monica: (To Chandler) Excuse me, umm, can I talk to you over here for just a second?
Chandler: Uh-huh. (He doesn't take his eyes off the TV.)
Monica: Chandler!
Chandler: (turning to face her) Yeah.
Monica: Look, these clowns are trying to take us for a ride and I'm not gonna let 'em! And we're not a couple of suckers!
Chandler: I hear ya, Mugsy! But look, all these rooms are fine okay? Can you just pick one so I can watch-(realizes)-have a perfect, magical weekend together with you.


Chandler沉迷于看电视,这让Monica感到十分生气。两人的口气似乎不再柔情蜜意。短语take someone for a ride的意思是“欺骗、故意误导某人”(cheat or deliberately mislead someone)或“宰某人,杀某人”(murder mmeone)。例如:Car salesmen will take you for a ride in more ways than one!(汽车销售员会使尽招数来忽悠你!)再如:

The gang threatened to take him for a ride.(那帮家伙威胁要宰了他。)

而sucker则指“容易轻信,很容易上当的人”(关于sucker一词,详见本系列书2一05—1相关解释)。Mugsy是卡通片“Bugs Bunny”(《兔八哥》)辛的一个“狠”角色。

Friends中,住酒店的场景有过多次,关于“宰客”的说法还出现过几次,例如,在第9季19集中,Chandler跟Ross开了六个小时的车从New York(纽约)到了Vermont(佛蒙特),结果酒店前台小姐居然说电脑里查不到Chandler的预定记录。他们不可能马上再开车返回,无奈Chandler决定要一间最便宜的房间住下。很不巧的是,当天酒店剩下的惟一空房是600美元一晚的豪华套房。无奈之极,他们还是只有这样住下了。Ross一直在考虑怎么样才能使当天的豪华套房物有所值。请看下面这段对话,看完后,你会学会另一个关于“敲竹杠”的表达法。

Receptionist:Unfortunately the only thing we have available is our deluxe suite,the rate is six hundred dollars.


Chandler:That’s insane!(Chandler:疯了!)

Ross:Totally insane.Dude,let’s drive home.We’ll hit aIl the maple candy stores on the way back and if…if they’re closed maybe we’ll tap a tree and make some ourselves.


Chandler:Does that room have a closet I can lock him in?(pause)We’ll take it.



ChandIer:(aside,toRoss)What!?They are totally,fppfng Hs off!


Ross:Dude,don’t worry’bout it!I know how we can make your money back!This is a nice horel,you know,plenty of amenl’ties,we just load up on those!Like those apples.1nstead of taking ofic,I’m...I take six!


Chandler:Great,at a hundred dollars an apple,we’re there!


由于Chandler提到了“They are totally ripping us off.”(他们完全在敲竹杠。)在这里多给大家介绍一下rip off的用法。Rip someone off意思是“宰客,敲竹杠”。如:I was ripped off.(我被宰了一刀)。而rip—off则表示花冤枉钱买来的东西。如:what?You paid 30 for the crap?That’s a rip off.(什么?你花了30元买了那个废物?那完全是花的冤枉钱。)

再让我们一起看一个生动的对话,来学习rip off的用法。

A:Tell us the most impressive part about China.


Bargaining,of course.you can get a 500—kuai coat for 200 kuai It’s more than half off.


A:Then tell us how many times you’ve got ripped off.


B:I can’t remember.I’m still learmng anyway.And now I’m sure no one could rip me off.


再看看rip off的其他用法,有时rip off等于steal,例如:I was ripped off.(我被偷了。);rip off也常被用为“剥夺”,如:My right was ripped off.(我的权利被剥夺了。)


·1 want to reserve a suite.(我想预定一个套间。)

·I’d like to book a double room.(我想订一个双人间。)

登记入住一般用check in,register也可以用;办理结账退房则用check 6ut。例如:I checked in yesterday,and I.am going to check out tomorrow.


再如:You’d better check out before 12 pm,otherwise the hotel will charge you another 50 dollars.(你最好在中午12点以前退房,要不然酒店就要另外加收你50美元了。)

在美语中,把书从图书馆借出来也叫check out。如:The library only anows to check out six books at a time.(图书馆只允许每次借6本书。)

check out使用的场合很多,它还有“查看、仔细查看”等意思。关于这点,读者可参考本书“7—20多事的Joey"、“9—13 Ross醋意大发”等单元


·I made a phone call to check out his address.


·That sounds interesting,I will heck it out.


·Hey,check out that car!
