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The One Where Everybody Finds Out


Ugly Naked Guy prepares to move, and Ross applies to sublet the apartment. Competition for the place is fierce, so when a bribe doesn't seal the deal, Ross decides to cultivate and exploit a common interest--nakedness. Phoebe, while looking at Ross' potential new apartment with Rachel, looks out the window and sees Chandler and Monica "doing it." Phoebe and Rachel decide to use their knowledge of this romance to play some practical jokes on Monica and Chandler--jokes which include Phoebe making passes at Chandler. Monica realizes they must know, so she and Chandler play along, and each side tries to see who will crack first. Now everybody knows, except Ross. ...Until he gets the apartment, looks out the window, and suddenly has a return of his rage problem.




5-14 Hit on与flirt


对面公寓ugly naked guy的离开,给Ross提供了一个租房的好去处。就在phoebe和Rachel帮Ross看房子时,一个天大的秘密展规在她俩眼前:Chandler和Monica正在窗前热吻,they are doing it!一向古怪的phoebe并没有选择捅破窗户纸,而是将计就计伙同Rachel、Joey与争强好胜的Monica组合展开了“假戏真做”大比拼……

Chandler: Y'know that is a popular opinion today I must say.
Monica: What?
Chandler: The weirdest thing happened at the coffee house, I think, I think Phoebe was hitting on me.
Monica: What are you talking about?
Chandler: I'm telling you I think Phoebe thinks I'm foxy.
Monica: That's not possible!
Chandler: Ow!
Monica: I'm sorry it's just, Phoebe just always thought you were, you were charming in a, in a sexless kind of way.
Chandler: Oh, y'know I-I can't hear that enough.
Monica: I'm sorry, I think that you just misunderstood her.
Chandler: No, I didn't misunderstand, okay? She was all over me! She touched my bicep for crying out loud!
Monica: This bicep?
Chandler: Well it's not flexed right now!


上文提到的She was all over me.意思是“她对我非常着迷”,注意和我们以前提到的I’m over you(我和你完了)相区别。因为over这个词表示“结束”,例如,game is over,游戏结束。I am over you是说“我跟你拜拜了”。还记得Ross和Rachel分分合合吵架时,俩人喊的I’m over you吗?不过,在那个场景中,over一语双关(pun)啊。仔细体会。

同时,对话中的I think Phoebe was hitting on me的意思是说“我觉得Phoebe是在和我调情哦。”hit on作为“调情、搭讪”的意思,我们已经在“2-01爱情英语’’单元有过较为详细的解释。下面我们再讲讲它的另一个意思。

hit on有时还相当于hit upon或者come up with(忽然想到,偶然发现)。例如:A quick-witted passerby has}l“upon an idea that got us out of our difficultv.(一个机智的过路人想出了一个好主意,才使我们摆脱困境。)

如果电台里说:The Westlife's new album is hit.你会怎么理解这句话呢?其实在这里,hit是指“成功之作,轰动一时的事物,风行一时的作品”。例如,The song,Fairy Tale,was a hit(《童话》这首歌曲很成功,很流行。)这里还有一个表“成功”之意的俚语即:hit it big。例如,Some Iuckv investors hit it big on the stock market.(一些幸运的投资者在股票市场上获得了成功。)

下面再介绍一个十分有用的短语hit it off,表示“十分谈得来”。例如,在Friends第10季第15集中,Ross舍不得让Rachel走,他想挽留住Rachel,不让她离开这帮朝夕相处的好朋友。Ross突然想起来他曾经和Rachel的前任老板在圣诞节派对上碰过面,而且觉得他俩还很合得来。于是Ross不惜拜访Rachel的前任老板,想为她争回工作机会。好在,前任老板的儿子对恐龙非常迷恋。Ross就发挥自己的专业特长,以带他儿子去自然历史博物馆触摸恐龙化石为交换条件,好让Rachel重新得到原来的工作。


Ross:Do you think i f the Ralph Lauren people offered her her old job back,she would take it?

(Ross:你认为Rachel会接受她以前的工作吗?如果Ralph Lauren公司请她回去。)

Monica:How is that gonna happen?


Chandler:Is.this the best way to use one of your three magic wishes?


Ross:I don’t know.I could talk to her boss.Yeah!I met him at that Christmas party.We really hit it off.


hit it off(with)的意思是“同某人合得来,和睦相处,愉快地交往,相处得很好”(to get along well together)例如:

These children coming from di fferent countries hit it off well in the kindergarten.


These foreign students hit it off with the natives.


He is such an easy-going CEO that he can hit off with colleagues very soon.


再补充两个生活口语中可能会用得着的表达:hit the roof or hit the ceiling意思是“火冒三丈,怒气冲天,勃然大怒”。例如,

Her father hit the ceiling when he knew that she failed the exam again.


最后一个,hit sb.where it hurts意思是“打中某人要害,触到痛处”。


·Hi,buddv!Don’t hit me where it hurts.You know I haven't got my ex-girl friend over yet.


我们再回到原文,说到调情,不能不提flirt,它既有动词“调情”的意思,还可以当名词用,当有人说He is a flirt.时,就是说“他是一个调情高手”,和前面提到的lady killer有相似之处。

在Friends第5季第17集中,Joey正在和对面窗口的Ross挥手,没想到有个美女送来柔情目光,用Joey的话说:Hey,Monica,this totally hot girl in Ross’s building is flirting with me。正处在热恋中的Monica鼓励道:(let in there man!Flirt back,mix it up!快放马过去吧!然后把她搞定!

flirt的本意指“行为具有诱惑力,诱人的,也指做出戏谑打趣动作而有诱惑力的人”。其实很难概括什么样的动作行为算是flirt,有的人具备回眸一笑百媚生的杀伤力,不经意的举首投足也能让人心起涟漪,恋爱中人灭都无师自通。有时一个eye contact,casual touches,smiling,joking或winkling,都多少会被误解为是suggestive的。