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The One With Rachel's Inadvertent Kiss


Rachel has an interview at Ralph Lauren, where she mistakenly kisses the interviewer (Mr. Zelner). She gets called back for a second interview, where she again mistakes Mr. Zelner's actions and chews him out. Later, realizing her mistake, she meets with him again, straightens things out, and gets the job. Ross spends all his free time 'acting' in front of his window, thinking it entertains his friends. Joey tries to find a woman who keeps waving at him from Ross' building, but somehow keeps ending up at Ross' place instead. Monica obsesses about proving that she and Chandler are still a hot couple, like Phoebe and Gary. Chandler enjoys it for a while, but eventually helps Monica see that their relationship has progressed to a better level.

瑞秋到名品牌Ralph Lauren面试,结果误吻了面试官Zelner先生。




5-17 Ross的艳遇



这时旁边的女士发出声采,她在为Ross抱不平.Ross有些惊呆。因为她是一位hot girl,她还是Joey在寻找的那个hot girl更加不可思议的是,她同意了Ross的约会,还有……

Chandler: Oh that's so cool! Why would a cop come in here though? They don't serve donuts. (No one laughs.) Y'know what actually, could you discover the badge again? I think I can come up with something better than that.

Rachel: Phoebe, I bet somebody's missing that badge.

Phoebe: Yeah, I should probably take it back. Ooh, but you know what? While I'm at the police station, I could check their Ten Most Wanted lists because my friend Fritzy has been like number 11 forever, so this could be her year! (She crosses her fingers in hope.)


还记得前两集中,Ross搬家后,首先就被要求捐100块钱给即将退休的勤杂工(handyman)。Ross觉得这种chip in不合理,所以拒绝出钱。而楼内的住户则认为Ross过于小气,所以大家都不喜欢他。这次他偶遇一位“辣妹”,但当他听说人家是因为那件事而认识了他时,马上就识趣地走开了。因为,他猜想:She must be one of them hating him,可令他没有想到的是,这个女孩子很理解她。

一提到chip想必大家都不陌生,你是否已经想到了KFC、香脆的油炸薯条,或是上好佳酥脆的原味薯片。这两种食品都可以简称为chip。还有就是现在最热门的计算机行业中的核心产品——芯片也是chip。但这里的chip in表示contribute money,是“捐钱、凑份子”的意思。

那位hot girl说You're the guy who wouldn't chip in for the handyman的意思就是“你就是那个不愿意给修理工捐钱的那个人”。再如:

I could only afford to chip in a few pounds(我只能凑几镑钱);

We all chipped in for champagne.(我们一齐凑钱买了香槟)。

chip in还有“插话”的意思,比方说:Her little son chipped fn that it was time to go home.(她的小儿子插话说,该回家了。)另外,还有一种我们熟悉的食品“趣多多”,英文就是chocolate chip cookies。

chip本来是指“因为破碎,或是切割而产生的小片”,常常是石头的、木头的或是玻璃的小碎片,我们称chip。比方说,wood chips(木屑、刨花);stone chips(石屑、石片);soup chips(皂片);silicon chips(硅片);vegetable chips(蔬菜片);potato chips(薯片)等。

chip也可以是掉下来的一小片(块),原来的物体上产生了缺口,这个缺口就称作chip。比如说,a cup with a chip out of it(一个有缺口的杯子);

The bowl has a chipped edge.(碗边上有个缺口。)


·The little boys chipped a piece out of the table when they were fighting.


·Someone has chipped my best glass.


·This rock chips easily.


·tie chipped the cup when he dropped it.


如果你喜欢,还可以再记一个chip的词组,a chip off(of)the old block(与父亲一模一样的儿子)。比方说:You are a chip off the old block,my boy.(儿子,你和老爸一模一样)。