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The One That Could Have Been, part 2

In the continuation of the alternate reality: Ross and Carol have a threesome with Susan, but Ross feels left out. Phoebe goes stir-crazy in the hospital, and sneaks back to work, only to find our she's been fired, and promptly has another heart attack. Rachel spends the evening at Joey's, but gets drunk and sick, and passes out. Monica decides it's time to have sex with Dr. Roger, but he gets paged and leaves. Chandler and Monica decide to have a one-night stand, but afterwards Chandler convinces her to dump the doctor and be with him. Rachel, relieved that she didn't cheat on Barry, returns home and find Barry in bed with another woman... their neighbor's dog walker. She returns to the city to hook back up with Joey, but runs into Ross. They console each other on their bad marriages and Rachel helps Ross realize that Carol is a lesbian. Phoebe goes back to singing at the coffee house.

愤怒的瑞秋回头找乔伊, 却碰到了罗斯.



Phoe be的心脏


设想Phoebe成了股票经纪人,她虽勤奋工作,可世事无情,她给公司赔了7 300万美元.而她因工作劳累病倒在医院,对此毫不知情。公司打电话到医院通知她已经被解雇了,老友们接到电话后不忍告诉她。Phoebe因比被蒙在鼓里。当她逃出医院回到公司后,可以想象她得面对怎样的情形。


Phoebe硬赖在公司不肯走,还说她的心脏病(heart attack)犯了,吓得大家不知该拿她怎么办。其实,自知道被公司解雇的消息后,Phoebe的心脏即使没犯心脏病,也肯定会有问题,因为她的心已经碎了(The news has broken her heart.)。Phoebe已经伤心欲绝(cry her heart out)。她会将此悲惨经历铭记于心(1earn by heart),意气沮丧(1ose heart)一段时间后,我们的Phoebe还会重新鼓起勇气(pluck up her heart)开始新的生活的。


先说一下face。lose/save one's face(丢/挽回面子)这两个词组相信大家不会陌生。但是,face the music可不是让你听音乐而是让你接受你的行为带来的后果和责任(to accept the consequences or punishment for one's ac:ions),即面对现实、承担责任。例如,I guess I should face the music and tell my parents about the accident.(我想我应该承担责任,告诉我父母这个事故。)

而当一个人夸耀自己,却露了馅之后他就得laugh on the other side of hi s face(难为情)。如,Paul boasted that he was a good skater,but after he fell,he laughed on the other side of his face.(保罗夸口说自己是滑冰健将,摔倒后,他很难为情。)

关于眼睛,汉语中就有很多表达,如,大饱眼福、眼高手低、吹胡子瞪眼睛等。在英语中也有很多形象的表达。我们在本书“1—3—2意外之财”单元讲到过see eye to eye,它在口语中表示“意见、看法完全一致”。Friends中,有关eye的习语(idiom)有多处,下面我们再多举几个例子。第7季第4集中,得知Chandler揭了自己的丑,Ross立刻给予还击。


Ross讲起了一次和Chandler在酒吧喝酒,碰到一个姑娘向Chandler频送秋波(making eyes at Chandler),Chandler与“她”kiss后才发现“她”原来是个男的。

口语中用make eyes at someone来表示向异性“漫送秋波”或“抛眉眼”,比如:Why don't you ask her for a dance?She's making ayes at you all night.(你怎么不请她跳支舞呢?她整个晚上都在向你送秋波呢!)生活中也有这样的人,自认为是个great lover(了不起的情人),当他走在街上的时候,He makes eyes eyes practically every girl that he passes on the street.(几乎对碰见的每一个姑娘都抛飞眼。)看到相爱的男女眉目传情,你一定会既嫉妒又羡慕:Jack and Jill must really be in love.They spend all their time making eyes at each other.(杰克和吉尔一定是真的相爱了。他们总是含情脉脉地你看着我,我看着你。)

第10季第17集中,Rachel打算要到法国工作了。Ross很舍不得她走,他对大家说:Would you guys mind giving us a minute?(你们介意让我们单独呆一会儿吗?)然后Joey回答说:Sure,yeah.Will you just keep an eye on the chick and the duck?(当然。你能照看一下小鸡和小鸭吗?)有意思的是,Rachel以为它们已经死了。

keep/have an eye on something或keep a close eye on something意思是“照看,留心瞧着,注意照看”。例如,Could you keep an eye on the baby when I am cooking?(我做饭的时候,你能照看一下我的孩子吗?)I gotta answer the call o f nature.Could you do me a favor and keep a close eye on my luggage.(我得去一下厕所。你能帮忙留心瞧着我得行李吗?)情人之间脉脉相视肯定会百看不厌,因为Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.(情人眼里出西施。)英语口语中跟eyes有关的习语有很多。在父母眼里,孩子始终是the apple oftheir eye(掌上明珠)。

曾经见识过一位有钱人,人家漫天要价,他也照样付钱,without batting an eye(眼睛连眨都不眨)。before one’s very eyes用于表示“就在某人的眼前”。在观看变戏法的时候,魔术师常会这样说:Watch closely,ladies and gentlemen,I will now,before your eyes,turn this rabbit into a saake.(女士们,先生们,请仔细看。就在诸位的眼前,我要把这只兔子变成一条蛇。)当朋友心爱的小狗死了的时候,他cry his eyes out all day(痛哭了一整天)。如果你在森林中行走一定要keep your eyes peeled(留神),因为你随时都会受到野兽的攻击。

feast one,s eyes on something与汉语“一饱眼福”完全相同。例如下面这段话是描写爱泡妞的男人的:他并不喜欢游泳。他到海滨去是为了去看云集在那里的漂亮姑娘,一饱眼福。He doesn't like to swim.He goes to the beach to feast his eyes on all the beautiful girls there.女人买了珠宝,免不了会show off:Feast your eyes on this emerald ring.Isn't it gorgeous!(叫你开开眼,你瞧这个翡翠戒指!怎么样,够好看吧?)

有时我们对待某些事情会睁一只眼闭一只眼:shut one's eyes to something或turn a blind eye to something。比如有些人被小偷偷了钱,抓住他后你可能会这样处理:If you will return the money you stole from me,I am willing to shut my eyes to your indiscretion.(如果你把偷我的钱还我,我就会对你的轻率行为睁一只眼闭一只眼。)日本著名的富士山被游客乱扔的垃圾整得有些脏乱不堪,所以有人曾戏谑地说:Mt.Fuji is a beautiful mountain if you turn a blind eye the the litter.意思是说,如果你假装没看见那些乱丢的垃圾,那么富士山就是一座美丽的山。

如果别人向你介绍说他是一个private eye,想必你会丈二和尚摸不着头脑,心想私人的眼睛是干什么的呢?口语中private eye其实就是指private letective。说起private eye的来源还有一段故事。苏格兰警察局的便衣警察Pinkerton于1850年在芝加哥市设立了美国第一家private detective agency(私人侦探事务所),由于接二连三侦破许多大案件而赫赫有名。这个Pinkerson Agency现在也是美国屈指可数的私立侦探事务所之一。由于自创立以来就以“人的一个眼睛”为商标,所以人们就把private detective叫做Private eye了。如:My father used to be a special investigator for the New York Police Department,but now he's a private eye.(我的父亲原来是纽约警察局的特别调查员,但是现在当私人侦探了。)

下面亮相的是“养眼的人(物)”,即eye candy。例如,Miss world is really an eye candy.(世界小姐真的很美,很养眼。)

有时和老外一起吃饭,如果剩下的饭菜很多,他们也许会说“My eyes are bigger thaN my belly/stomach.Next time I should order less.”(我眼大肚小。下次要少点点儿。)所以,one’s eyes are bigger than one's belly,意思就是“眼大肚小。眼馋肚饱。贪吃。”

如果你瞪大眼睛,提高警惕keep one's eyes peeled(open),你就可以避免被人蒙蔽你的双眼(pull the wool over one's eyes)或被人欺骗(throw dust into one’s eyes)。

耳朵是用来听声音的,是与人沟通的重要器官。我能跟你谈谈吗?就可以说成:May I have a word in your ear?如果你close your ears to others(对别人的话充耳不闻)或turn a deaf ear to(对……置若罔闻),那你很快就会没人理睬了fall on deaf ears。与ear相关的更多表达,读者可参见本书第3分册“9—01—2 Rachel对Monica坦白”相关介绍。

刚才说face the music不是听音乐,那have an good ear for music总该是听音乐了吧。这回差不多。当你对音乐一窍不通时,你可以说:I have no ear for music.