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本集简介:The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs

The gang all play a game where they have to try to list all 50 states;Ross gets so involved in it that he misses Thanksgiving dinner. Chandler and Monica find out that Phoebe is keeping a dogin the apartment; Chandlerreveals his fear of dogs. Rachel invites Tag over for Thanksgiving dinner. He'sdepressed because he and his girlfriend just broke up. Rachel tries to decidewhether to comfort him as a friend, or to make a move. She decides to just be afriend, but Joey lets the secret slip out.






朋友有事,托Phoebe替她照顾几天小狗。一向讨厌狗的Chandler发现此事后坚决不同意将狗留在冢中,无奈Phoebe和Monica只好把狗带到Ross那儿。没过多久两人又偷偷将狗带回,谁知进门就撞见了Chandler,只好求助Ross帮忙。为了阻止Chandler进屋,Ross赶忙说今天Monica 被他伤逐了心,不想见他。

Joey: (entering) Okay, I'm in mysweat pants. Bring on the food! (Sees that Chandler has a worried look on his face)What's the matter?
Chandler: Monica's all upset, because I sentClunkers away.
Joey: So? Bring the dog back,you're a hero.
Chandler: Yeah, I can be a hero, I could do that. Icould, I could do... I, w-w-what if, what if it attacks me?


为厌祝感恩节,Monica她们做了一桌子感恩节大餐。一向爱吃的Joey进屋便说:okay,I’m in my sweat pants.(好啦,我等不急了。)in one’s sweat pants表示焦急或急不可耐的状态。英语中与pants相关的表达方式还真不少,下面就给大家具体介绍几例。

看到have ants in one’s pants这个短语,很多人都会猜出它的意思为“坐立不安”,因为蚂蚁要是进入裤子里,身体肯定会乱动,站也不是,坐也不是。这个表达法一般在特别想做什么事情或者怀着焦虑或期望等待什么的场合使用。比如:When the man who had promised to bring themoney at lunch time hadn't appeared bv one-thirty,we all had ants in our pants.(那个人约定在午饭时间把钱拿来,等到一点半他还不见人影儿,我们大家都象热锅上的蚂蚁稳不住神了。)

另外,就像这一例句:Husbands often get ants in their pants whiletheir wives are getting ready to go out.(当妻子在外出前就梳洗打扮的时候她们的丈夫总是等得不耐烦,坐立不安。),get ants in one’s pants也常表达“等得不耐频,坐立不安”的意思。再比如:Let's eat.Thechildren are starting to get ants in their pants.(我们吃吧。孩子们已开始等得不耐烦,都坐不住了。)

wear the pantsin the family,用通俗点儿的汉语说就是“当家”。该习语直译过来的意思是“在家中穿裤子”。过去夫妻之间掌握大权的是男性,而男性经常会穿着长裤,因而产生了本条习语的比喻意义:Most men make it very clear to their wives who wears the pants in thefamily.(大多数男人都会向妻子明确究竟家里谁当家。)如果自己认为已经说得很清楚,而妻子却不听从,男人就要大喊大叫了:I told you I wear the pants in this family!

Don't forget it!(我已经跟你讲过了,这个家我说的算!你别忘了这一点!)

不过到了近些年,丈夫的威风扫地,像下面这种情况已经不足为奇:Mrs.Smith seems to wear the pants in her family.(史密斯家似乎由太太当家)。

顺便提一下,在有些英文词典里把此习语翻译成“妇女当家”或“老婆掌权”,但是从上面的例句中可以看出,这一表达法并没有如此的区别,男女双方同样可以使用。另外,in the family除可改用inthis/one's family外,还可以变换为in this house,around here等。同时还要注意的是在英式英语中,一般不用wear the pants in the family,而是用wear the trousers in the family,但在美式英语中一定要说wear thepants in the family。be caught withone's pants down在口语中表示“措手不及,陷入窘境”。

本条习语的字面意思是:刚要穿裤子,还没有把它提起来的时候,想不到有人是进屋里来了。碰到这种情况,任何人都会感到狼狈不堪的,例如:She shouldn't have entered the bedroom without knocking.I was caught with my pants down.(她不敲门就走进卧室,实在太不应该了。我还没来得及提裤子呢。)

本条习语可以按照字面意义使用,但大多情况下,使用其比喻意义的时候较多。比如:We hadn't expected a test before finals so wewere caught
with our pantsdown when the professor gave us a pop quiz today.(我们没有想到在期末考试之前还会有考试,因此,今天老师搞突然袭击进行测验时,我们都被弄得措手不及。)再如:Wewere"caught with our pants down when the bank unexpectedly gave notice that they were going toforeclose the mortgage on our home.(银行突如其来地通知我们要取消住宅的抵押贷款,让我们陷入了困窘之地。)

这一表达法大多时使用被动语态,但也有用catch someone with his
pants down主动语态的时候:The President'sunexpected visit caught our branch office with its pants down.(董事长趁我们不备突然前来,使得我们分公司狼狈极了。)