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高三词汇 单元hxen G3_Unit14-24


[00:00.00]和谐英语学习网(hxen.net)Unit14 Kunta         in chains            reason               roll over
[00:05.50]昆塔(男名)           上着镣铐,在囚禁中    vi.评理;劝说        翻滚
[00:11.00]give out             daylight             Alex Haley           ancestor
[00:16.27]分发                 n.白昼;黎明         亚历克斯·哈利(男名) n.祖宗,祖先
[00:21.55]Gambia               Kinte
[00:24.53]冈比亚(非洲)         肯特(姓)
[00:27.51]from generation to generation             worthwhile
[00:30.93]"世世代代"                                a.值得的
[00:34.35]Unit15 Francis Bacon Shakespeare          swallow              chew
[00:39.28]弗朗西斯·培根(人名) 莎士比亚(姓)         vt.吞下,咽下        vt.咀嚼
[00:44.20]digest               reviewer             tip                  chapter
[00:49.42]vt.消化;领会         n.评论者;书评家      n.告诫;小费;尖端     n.(书籍)章
[00:54.65]Daisy                cardigan             hobby                enlarge
[00:59.43]戴西(女名)           n.开襟绒线衫         n.业余爱好           vt.扩大
[01:04.21]undivided            encouragement        remind somebody of...fix a date for
[01:10.64]a.没分开的,专一的    n.鼓励               使某人想起…         确定…的日期
[01:17.06]appreciate           long-term
[01:19.78]vt.欣赏;感谢        长期的
[01:22.49]Unit16 Fred Pearson  show somebody around have a gift for      so long as
[01:27.93]弗雷德·皮尔逊(人名) 领着某人参观         对…有天赋           只要
[01:33.36]affect               preparation          fun-loving           easy-going
[01:38.38]vt.影响              n.准备               a.爱开玩笑的         a.随和的;轻松的
[01:43.39]energetic            independent          Marty                workmate
[01:48.17]a.精力旺盛的         a.独立的,有主见的    马蒂(男名)           n.工友;同事
[01:52.95]unit                 work unit            tourism              wartime
[01:57.94]n.工作单位           工作单位             n.旅游业;观光       n.战时
[02:02.93]network              link                 code
[02:06.90]n.网络系统           vt.连接;联系        n.代码;代号
[02:10.87]Morse code           Janice
[02:14.30]摩尔斯电码           詹尼斯(女名)
[02:17.72]Unit17Annie Sullivan simple-minded        patience             imagination
[02:23.45]安妮·莎利文(人名)   a.纯朴的;头脑简单的  n.容忍;耐心          n.想象;想象力
[02:29.19]human being          laughter             burst into laughter  look back upon
[02:34.97]n.人类;人            n.笑,笑声           突然大笑起来         回顾
[02:40.76]wisdom               Braille              institution          ill-formed
[02:45.98]n.智慧               n.布莱叶盲文;点字法  n.公共机构;学校      不规范的
[02:51.21]priceless            gifted               Helen Keller
[02:54.89]a.无价的             a.有天赋的,有才华的  海伦·凯勒(人名)
[02:58.57]Unit18 photocopier   answering machine    word processor       electronic
[03:04.01]n.复印机             留言机               文字处理机           a.电子的
[03:09.44]email                roller               combine              keyboard
[03:14.17]n.电子邮件           n.滚筒;辊           vt.使结合;使联合     n.键盘
[03:18.90]printer              disk                 recorder             tape recorder
[03:24.07]n.打印机             n.磁盘               n.录音机             磁带录音机
[03:29.24]action               take an action       compressed           progress
[03:34.27]n.行动               采取行动             a.压缩的             vi.进展;进行
[03:39.30]fitting              obtain               fixture              oxygen
[03:43.87]n.装置;设备         vt.获得;得到         n.固定装置           n.氧;氧气
[03:48.44]make ends meet       Nathan Road          Kowloon              requirement
[03:53.91]量入为出;使收支相抵  内森路               九龙                 n.需要;必要的条件
[03:59.39]Unit19 Maori         Polynesia            Kupe                 islander
[04:03.81]n.&a.毛利人(的)      n.波利尼西亚         n.库佩(男名)         n.岛民
[04:08.24]rat                  sweet potato         Oceania              Auckland
[04:13.47]n.鼠                 白薯;山芋            n.大洋洲        n.奥克兰(新西兰港市)
[04:18.69]relate               be related to        marae                burial
[04:24.91]vi.有关;涉及        与…有关             n.毛利人集会地       n.埋葬
[04:31.12]pension              hilly                New Zealander        export
[04:36.00]n.养老金             a.丘陵的;多小山的    新西兰人             n.输出,出口;输出品
[04:40.87]lamb                 apart from           quality              hot spring
[04:45.81]n.羔羊;羔羊肉        除去                 n.质量;品质;素质     温泉
[04:50.74]kiwi                 flightless           rainfall             Wellington
[04:55.28]n.几维(新西兰国鸟)   a.不飞的             n.一场雨;降雨量     n.惠灵顿
[04:59.81]Christchurch         Queenstown
[05:02.48]n.克赖斯特彻奇       n.昆士城
[05:05.16]Unit20Mohandas Gandhikey figure           govern               local
[05:09.94]莫汉达斯.甘地(人名)  关键人物             vt.统治,管理         a.当地的;本土的
[05:14.72]equality             fairness             non-white            unrest
[05:19.95]n.平等               n.公平;公正          n.非白种人           n.不安;骚动
[05:25.17]violent              non-violent          racial               discrimination
[05:30.80]a.暴力的             a.非暴力的           a.种族的             n.歧视
[05:36.43]oppose               determined           possess              hard-seat
[05:41.51]vt.反对;反抗         a.坚决的             vt.占用,拥有        硬座
[05:46.59]unreserved           rickshaw             bare-footed          pray
[05:51.87]a.没有被预订的       n.人力车             a.赤脚的             vi.祈求;祈祷
[05:57.15]prayer               being                Hindu                disobey
[06:01.68]n.祈祷               n.物;生物;人         n.&a.印度人(的)      vt.不服从
[06:06.21]violence             take up arms         mourn                keep one's promise
[06:11.68]n.暴力行为           拿起武器             vt.哀悼;哀痛         履行诺言
[06:17.16]Unit21 J.J.Coal      step                 Goode                build up
[06:21.94]J.J.科尔(人名)       vi.走,跨走 n.脚步    古德(姓)             逐步建立
[06:26.72]wealthy              will                 Clare Flower         step-mother
[06:31.65]a.富的               n.遗嘱               克莱尔.弗劳尔(人名)  n.继母;后母
[06:36.59]afterwards           divide up            Klegg                check out
[06:42.51]ad.后来              分配                 克莱格(名)           结账;查明
[06:48.42]go through           look into            signature            anyway
[06:53.36]浏览,翻阅           向…里面看去;调查    n.签名               ad.不管怎样
[06:58.30]private              Hope Darwin          left-handed          right-handed
[07:03.47]a.私人的             霍普.达尔文(人名)    a.惯用左手的         a.惯用右手的
[07:08.64]brief                to the point         foresee              instruct
[07:13.57]a.简短的;简洁的      中肯;扼要;切中要害   vt.预见,预知         vt.通知;指示
[07:18.49]Unit22 honey         nest                 hive                 beehive
[07:23.18]n.蜂蜜 a.蜂蜜似的    n.巢,窝              n.蜂房;蜂箱         n.蜂箱
[07:27.87]Karl von Frisch      Austrian             amazing              honeycomb
[07:33.60]卡尔·冯·弗里施(名) n.&a.奥地利人(的)    a.令人惊异的         n.蜂窝
[07:39.34]spot                 astonishment         to one's astonishmentsurround
[07:45.16]n.斑点               n.惊讶               令某人吃惊的是       vt.包围;围绕
[07:50.99]surrounding          troop                wag                  wagging
[07:55.77]a.周围的             vi.群集,成群结队地走 vi.摇摆              a.摇动的;摆动的
[08:00.55]semicircle           co-worker            stopwatch
[08:04.48]n.半圆               n.合作者             n.跑表;记秒表
[08:08.41]maximum              downward
[08:10.95]n.&a.最大量(的)      ad.向下
[08:13.48]Unit23 fine          fine rain            downhill             steep
[08:18.49]a.细的               细雨                 ad.下坡;向下         a.险峻的,陡峭的
[08:23.51]rockface             set...on fire        extraordinary        reddish-brown
[08:28.84]n.岩面               使燃烧;放火烧        a.非常的,离奇的      a.红棕色的
[08:34.17]clear up             expense              at one's own expense inspire
[08:39.94](天气)放晴           n.消费,支出          自费                 vt.鼓舞,激励
[08:45.71]Unit24 suit...to     ability              human nature         relationship
[08:51.60]使适合;使适应        n.能力;才能         人性                 n.关系
[08:57.50]inform               application          female               Abby
[09:02.33]vt.告诉,通知        n.申请               a.女性的;妇女的      阿比(女名)
[09:07.16]bored                Florence Nightingale open up
[09:11.34]a.厌烦的             弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔   开创;开辟
[09:15.52]scholarship          receptionist         conceited
[09:19.90]n.奖学金             n.接待员             a.骄傲自满的