
牛津书虫系列《三十九级台阶》Chapter8 附中英双语文本

8 The coming of the black stone
8 黑石来了
Ⅰ came down to breakfast the next morning and found Sir Walter reading a coded message. He seemed less re-laxed than yesterday.
I was very busy for an hour after you went to bed,'he said. 'I've arranged for the Frenchman, Royer,to come a day early. He will be in London at five o'clock. I don't think the change of day will help very much. If our enemies already knew he was coming,they will probably find out that the plans have changed. I would love to know how the news of his visit escaped. '
While I ate,he continued to talk. I was surprised that he was telling me all these important secrets.
'Can't the Navy's war plans be changed?'I asked.
'They could,'he said. 'But we want to avoid that. It would be very difficult,and some changes would be impossible. But the big problem is that they're not going to steal the plans in the street. They'll try to get the details without anybody knowing,and Royer will return to Paris thinking that every-thing is still secret. '
'Then we must stay at Royer's side until he is home again,'I said.
'Royer will meet us after dinner at my house in London:there'll be Whittaker from the Navy, myself,Sir Arthur Drew, and General Winstanley. The First Sea Lord,the head of the Navy,has been ill, and may not be able to come. Whittaker will give Royer the important papers, and then Royer will be driven to Portsmouth where a Navy ship will take him to France. He will be watched until he is back there. Whittaker will be watched while he has the papers before he meets Royer. It's the best we can do, and I don't see what can go wrong. But I'm very nervous because of the murder of Karolides. '
After breakfast he asked me to be his driver for the day.
'You know what these people are like, and I don't want to take risks. '
In London we went first to Scotland Yard where we met an important-looking policeman.
'I've brought you the Langham Place murderer,'said Sir Walter.
The policeman smiled. 'I wish you had. I imagine you are Mr Hannay. We were very interested in you for a few days. '
'Mr Hannay will interest you again, MacGillivray, but his story must wait twenty-four hours. But I would like you to tell Mr Hannay that you don't want to arrest him any more. '
'Of course we don't. 'The policeman turned to me. 'Your flat and your servant are waiting for you, although you may not want to return there. '
As Sir Walter and I left, he said I was free for the rest of the day. 'Come and see me tomorrow, Hannay. I don't need to tell you to keep everything secret. You had better stay out of sight. If your Black Stone friends see you, there might be trouble. '