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The One With The Engagement Picture

Monica and Chandler try to get a good engagement picture, but it seems impossible because Chandler can't seem to smile properly when there's a camera involved. Phoebe and Ross date a couple who're getting divorced. They constantly argue about their dates' bad qualities. Ross ponders starting a divorced men's club. Rachel arranges for her assistant, Tag, to spend time with Joey, so he can't go out with women at the store. But Joey hooks him up with lot of women. Joey keeps staining his shirts.






Phoebe和新交往的约会对象KvLe似乎很谈得采。一天Ryle来Central Perk 约Phoebe一起去看跳舞比赛,设想到却看见了前妻whitney。由于Kyle现在不想与前妻打交道,Phoebe便把跳舞比赛的门票给了Ross,让他把whitney引开。没成想Ross竟然跟她采真的,与她约会起采。

Kyle: No it's… Uh, my ex-wifeWhitney is out there. I cannot deal with her right now. That woman is crazy!

Phoebe: Okay, I know. Hold on.(She walks over to the couch.) Hey Ross?

Ross: Yeah?

Phoebe: Yeah, umm that's Whitney(Points), Kyle's ex-wife out there, now do you think that you can y'know diverther so that we can slip out?

Ross: What?! No!


为了帮助Kyle避开前妻,Phoebe对ROSS说:Yeah,umm,that's Whitney(points),Kyle'sex-wife out there,now do you think yoU can y’krlow divert her so that we can slip out?(是这样的,外面那位是whitney,Kyle的前妻,现在你能不能把她引开,好让我们俩溜出去?)slipout是偷偷溜出去的意思,相反偷偷溜进来就是slip in了。slip一词在口语中比较活用,与它相关的习用语也不少,下面就介绍几例供大家参考。

首先,a Freudian slip在口语中用于表示下意识地泄露动机、愿望等的失言或笔误。其后面省略了of the tongue或of thepen。这一表达法的来源是:弗罗伊德认为,人们之所以会把没有想说或想写的东西错误地说了或写了出来,乃是下意识的欲望或思想的表现。举例来讲,如果一个男子见到一个正在给婴儿吃奶的年轻貌美的母亲,本来想对她说:You certainly have a lovely baby.(你的宝宝真可爱。)结果却说成:You certainly have a lovelv breast.(你的胸部真可爱。)这就是由于对lovely breast的意识比对lovely baby的意识强烈,结果走了嘴(a slip oftongue),犯了a Freudian slip的过错。再如:She made aFreudian slip when he told my secretary he wanted to give her a massage,he meant to say he wanted to talk with her.(他下意识地说走了嘴。本来他是要对我的女秘书说他想跟她说件事,结果却说成了他想给她按摩。)“失言”的人常有立即纠正自己用语的情况,而听的人也常用这一表达法去回敬那个说错话的人。在这种情况下,Freudian slip的意思与“真心话”、“老实话”相近。例如丈夫对妻子说:Darling,don't be angry.Youknow how much I abhor you—I mean,adore you.(亲爱的,你别生气,要知道我是多么地讨厌你——不不,我是说多么地爱你。)妻子回应道:Talk about a Freudianslip!(到底把真心话吐出来啦!)

下面是笔误的例子:“He is a bear.”was aFreudian slip.She meant to write“He is a dear.”如果你在某一场合漫不经心地说出不该说的话,那你就是make a slip ofthe tongue说走了嘴。这里不该说的话包括伤害对方的话,使对方恼怒的话、不得公开以及暴露的秘密等等。就像第6集中Joey 在宣布试镜比赛结果时说的:All right,well,first of all I would like to say that you bothperformed very well Okay?You should beproud of yourselves.And—and I would also like to say that in thiscompetition there are no losers.Well,except for Rachel—Dammit!(好吧,首先我想说你们俩表现得都非常好。你们应该为自己骄傲。同时我还想说的是在这次比赛中没有输家,除了Rachel——该死!)其实Joey还没打算在那个时候说出Rachel输了比赛,他只是make a slip ofthe tongue说走了嘴罢了。a slip有时也用that slip的形式:They would neverhave found out about our plan if you hadn't made that slip of the tongue.(如果你不是像那样随口乱说,他们决不会发觉咱们的计划的。)

如果你被人盯梢或让人纠缠不休,你肯定会想方设法give him the slip (甩掉他)。give someone the slip(甩开某人)的使用范围极其广泛。如果约好了见面却不赴约,那你差不多就是被人涮了:He promised to meet us at his lawyer's office over tWO hours ago.It looks like he's given us the slip.(他约定好要与我们在他的律师事务所的办公室见面,时间已过去两个多钟头了。看起来他是把我们涮了。)再如:The man I'msitting with isn't my date.He's just some strangerwho's trying to make time with me.I'll give him the slip and meet you out front at ten o’clock.(跟我在一起的男人并不是我约会的人。他只是个陌生人,死皮赖脸地缠着我。我会摆脱他的纠缠,十点钟在门口与你会面。)give someone the shake常能代换give someone the slip,但使用的频率没有后者高。

曾经在一篇文章中读过这样一句话:It was the chance of a lifetime for my brother.But to help him takeadvantage of it meant betraying my best friend.I had no choice but tostand aside and watch it slip through his finers.

(对于我哥哥来说,那是千载难逢的好机会。但是,我要是帮他获得那次机会就意味着背叛我的好朋友。因此我别无选择,只能站在一旁眼睁睁地看着机会从他身边溜走了。)slip through one's fingers常用于指“(逃跑的人或机会)眼睁睁地跑掉”。罪犯一般都很狡猾,听一位朋友这样描述警察抓捕罪犯的场景:Although the police had surrounded the building,they somehow let the culprit slip through their fingers.(虽然警察包围了那座建筑物,但还是让犯人给跑掉了。)

不管怎么说机会难求,千万记住:Don't 1et any golden opportunity slip through your fingers.(不要眼睁睁地让任何宝贵机会从手中溜走。)否则会悔之晚矣。