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***Radical: concerning the most basic and important parts of something; thorough and complete 根本的;彻底的;完全的 the need for radical changes in education 对教育进行彻底变革的需要
demands for radical reform of the law 彻底改变法律的要求
radical differences between the sexes 两性间的根本差异

***stimulate: to make something develop or become more active; to encourage something 促进;激发;激励
The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work. 展览增进了人们对她作品的兴趣.
The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students. 这篇文章可用来活跃学生的讨论.

***Backfire: to have the opposite effect to the one intended, with bad or dangerous results 产生事与愿违的不良(或危险)后果
Unfortunately the plan backfired. 不幸的是,计划产生了适得其反的结果.

***Vibrant: full of life and energy 充满生机的;生气勃勃的;精力充沛的 
a vibrant city/personality 充满生机的城市;活泼的个性
Thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations. 在欢度新年期间,泰国举国欢腾.

***in the long run: concerning a longer period in the future 从长远来看
This measure inevitably means higher taxes in the long run. 从长远来看这项举措的结果就是要多纳税.
