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疯狂英语口语现场 Un01_3


[03:31.93]Mr.Helms: Well,everything seems to be just about ready.
[03:36.48]Now all we need is snow.
[03:39.64]Lo Fen:Do you exchange the presents in the morning?
[03:43.40]Mrs.Helms:Oh,yes.The kids are too excited to wait.
[03:48.23]After we clean up4 the mess--all the empty boxes and the wrapping paper--
[03:54.58]we have a big breakfast.
[03:58.34]Then the kids have the whole day to play with their new toys.
[04:03.30]Mr.Helms:And we'll have a great turkey dinner at around four o'clock.
[04:08.27]My brother and his family will be joining us.
[04:12.50]Lo Fen:I look forward to meeting them.
[04:16.13]Well,it's late,so I'll say good night.
[04:20.18]I'll see you early tomorrow,so I can share your Christmas morning.
[04:25.35]Mr.Helms:Good night!
[04:27.81]Stewart:  erry Christmas!  Mary: Huh?
[04:30.29]——圣诞快乐! —嗯?
[04:32.77]Stewart: I said Merry Christmas!Don't you know that Christmas is almost here?
[04:38.83]Mary: It is? Oh,that's nice.
[04:43.09]Stewart: Huh? Didn't you know? Aren't you excited?
[04:47.63]Mary:Actually,I'd forgotten about it.
[04:51.50]Stewart:Forgotten about it?How could you?
[04:55.26]Mary: Because I'm not Christian,I'm Jewish.
[04:59.62]Stewart:Oh,I'm sorry.I didn't know.
[05:03.39]Mary:It's all right.
[05:06.26]There are so many Christians in America
[05:10.02]that everybody takes it for granted that I'm Christian.
[05:15.06]Stewart:I guess so.So what do you do around this time of year?
[05:19.92]Mary:Well,I'll celebrate Hanukah soon,
[05:24.28]but that's not as important to us as Christmas is to you.
[05:29.72]Mainly I'll just enjoy the holiday break.
[05:34.37]Stewart: Well,would you be horribly offended
[05:38.63]if I invited you to a Christmas party at my house?
[05:43.07]Mary: Not at all.A party is a party.I'll be happy to come.
[05:48.40]Eddie:So how's everything going for Christmas?
[05:54.56]Jill:I've got all the presents I need,
[05:58.69]and my family is working together to get all the food ready.
[06:03.76]That's easy;but I have another problem to deal with.
[06:08.90]Eddie:What's that?
[06:11.67]Don't tell me you've still got Christmas cards to write;
[06:16.03]it usually takes my wife a month to write all of ours.
[06:20.89]Jill:No,I did that a long time ago.
[06:25.15]It's about telling my son the truth about Santa Claus.
[06:30.01]Eddie:He still doesn't know that Santa isn't real?
[06:34.16]How old is he, eight?