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美国习惯用语 833 go to the mat


go to the mat

我可不是老古董,对进步事物总是拍手称快。不过,最近有人建议,把我们家附近的一个公园推掉,盖个超市。这我可不赞成。好在,市政委员会的一名代表跟我的想法一样。他正在竭尽全力设法推翻这项提案。这倒让我想起了今天要学的习惯用语,叫,go to the mat.

Mat是脚垫,地板垫的意思,to go to the mat意思是不遗余力,设法解决难题,往往是为了那些无权无势的小人物的利益。就好像刚才说到的,我们地区的那位市政议员努力说服其他人,不要拆掉我们附近的公园。I'm so thankful that he's been willing to go to the mat for my neighborhood. 他能为我们这个居民区摇旗呐喊,据理力争,真让我感动。


例句-1:When I told my supervisor that I was going to be let go, she marched into the president's office to defend me. Apparently, she told him that the company couldn't afford to lose one of its most valuable employees. If she hadn't gone to the mat for me, I wouldn't still be here.


有这么个替自己撑腰的上司,可真够幸运的。这倒让我想起我的一个高中同学,他后来在一个大学里当系主任。那所大学里很多有学习障碍的学生多年来一直抱怨说,他们得不到应有的帮助。直到我的这位同学当上系主任,他们的问题才得到了解决,She went to the mat for them. 给他们争取到了各种各样的帮助。



例句-2:What happens to the poor and sick who need to see a doctor? Fortunately, one of my favorite charities is gone to the mat for these needy people. It's a clinic that travels across the U.S. to provide thousands with free medical services. Because of its staff of volunteer health care professionals and donated supplies, there's a little less suffering in the country.



也许你能猜到, go to the mat这个习惯用语是从摔跤比赛来的,指把对手摁在垫子上,最早的使用可以追溯到二十世纪初。